Baiting.org is officially in 'archive' status now; this is probably the last news post ever, and although we will keep the site up forever don't expect us to ever update it again. We have better things to do, and so should you. Most of the site is now static, all log scores are set in stone, and you're not going to ever see any new baits posted here. Thanks for making baiting.org what it was (for the first few years, at least), and for continuing to visit the site for whatever retarded reason you may have - the entire baiting.org staff only somewhat hopes you'll be hit and killed by a car.

It seems that I can't escape the cesspool of stupidity that is World of Warcraft - I can't believe that someone actually posted a link to here from the WoW forums. Even more amusing, they did so right before the login servers came down for the patch and so it's stuck right on the main forum page.
At any rate, since we're getting swamped with hits from there, all of you WoW people really need to check out www.wowjournals.com - Sven and I spent a lot of time building that site, and just because we're not using it anymore doesn't mean that no one should. Just be sure to read through the User Guide before trying to set up an account.
At any rate, since we're getting swamped with hits from there, all of you WoW people really need to check out www.wowjournals.com - Sven and I spent a lot of time building that site, and just because we're not using it anymore doesn't mean that no one should. Just be sure to read through the User Guide before trying to set up an account.

Jesus H. Christ. *shakes head in dismay*

Vote Kerry - not because he's a good candidate, but because at least he's not Bush. I'd tell you to vote Libertarian except that I'm a cynic and know that there's no fucking way a non-dem or rep will get elected until the day comes that there's armed revolution in this country. Which is why you should *really* vote for the World Worker's Party - they're all for that.

I know no one cares. But I have re-written the majority of the site (with the exception of the Forum pages) so it is relatively XHTML compliant. It's not 100% because I dont want to parse all the logs and news posts to get them in-line. For the majority of users (Mozilla / IE 6) the site should be a little bit faster and look a little bit better now.

It's done! I'd like to thank all those who supported my choice to assist in the eventual destruction of the human race. If only I could do more.
Sven: hows it going?
Dirk: my testicles are so swolen that the left one has situated itself on top, while the right one is diagonally down low.
Sven: oh shit yea haha
Dirk: there's no room for them to be side-by-side
Dirk: :)
Sven: i forgot about that

For those of you who remember my failed attempt to get money for a vasectomy, despite the worthless $1.37 or whatever it was that I got, I'm finally getting neutered on July 19th. Yay!