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Quick Pic
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 08/11/03         Score: 3.3         Votes: 274
In this log, PardonTheWait demonstrates how to humiliate a pedophile quickly and competently. I wish everyone would start baiting like attention span keeps getting shorter. -Dirk
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passionatenight2002: love ur pic
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: thank you
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: asl?
passionatenight2002: 25 m ca...and ur age ?
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: 14/f/uk
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: do you have a webcam?
passionatenight2002: yes u ?
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: no, sorry
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: can i see your cam?
passionatenight2002: what do u want to see
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: just you
passionatenight2002: i m notty here...prob not a good idea..
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: you're notty?
passionatenight2002: naughty..
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: so?
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: I'd like to see
passionatenight2002: do u have a mic ?
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: no, sorry
passionatenight2002: it is only my cock on cam..
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: so?
passionatenight2002: would to work with it
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: yeah
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: so can i see?
passionatenight2002: one sec.
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: wow
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: its very big
passionatenight2002: u want it ?
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: ohh yeah
passionatenight2002: i will imagine u
passionatenight2002: will u imagine me
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: i dont have to imagine
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: Would you do something for me?
passionatenight2002: what
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: My name is Jenny Baiting
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: Would you get a little bit of paper, and write on it
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: I LOVE BAITING
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: and hold it down there by your cock?
passionatenight2002: one sec
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: id love to see my name down by your nice, fat cock
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: are you doing it?
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: will you put it so i can see both?

tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: Thank you
passionatenight2002: yw
passionatenight2002: now will u help me
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: ok
passionatenight2002: what do u want to do..with it
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: I'm going to post it on the internet.
passionatenight2002: ty but dont
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: It's practically done.
passionatenight2002: where is it
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: Nowhere, yet.
tell_me_all_those_pretty_lies: And I'm not going to tell you anyway.
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