The Reason Hawaii has Interstate Highways
Baiting FAQ
We never actually get asked anything, let alone asked the same thing multiple times, but we figured everyone would get a kick out of knowing some stupid facts relating to our foray into the wild, wild world of baiting. All the answers on this page are completely true, except for the occasional exaggeration, sarcastic remark, or like.
Oh, forget it, you're right - it's all one big fucking lie. Thanks for ruining my day. *cries*

What the Fuck is baiting, anyway?
Baiting can be summed up by this one sentence; "Then I stick my dick in your ass!" However, since that really doesn't answer the question at all, try this; "Baiting" is the act of enticing particular groups of people (such as pedophiles or religious freaks) to send you Instant Messages out of the blue, at which point you manipulate or torment them in such a way to create a humorous log.
Shit, that really doesn't sound right, either. Oh well. It's closer than that first bit. *sighs*

How did baiting get started?
The origin of baiting goes back over a year, to the days of ICQ dominance. Unlike now, Sven and Dirk spent most of their waking hours online, chatting with various individuals instead of actually working or accomplishing anything of importance. 99.9% of the time they would only receive messages from individuals they knew, although occasionally some weirdo would send a message thinking they were someone else. This wouldn't have meant anything if it wasn't for the fact that Dirk constantly received messages from strange Egyptians asking for cybersex. Turns out that the information in his user profile, namely "I'm a 12 year old girl who likes to have sex with older guys" and an address listed as being in Bumfuck, Egypt, was being located in random searches by these weird fucks, who would then proceed to believe it and message Dirk accordingly. After months of this, something snapped in Sven's brain, tempting him like a nubile pre-teen offering the Apple of (Carnal) Knowledge to try this with the (now as-good-as-ICQ) AOL Instant Messenger. Viola!

With the advent of this amazing discovery, a mad rush to perfect the art began. Sven, Dirk, and a select few at Dirk's place of employment began baiting non-stop, wasting away many hours of company time. At some point during this time the idea for a website was introduced by X-Static and the term "baiting" coined by LowRezSkyline. Ideas were tossed around as to what the website should be called, how it would look, who got to fuck the sheep first, etc.

And after nearly a year, here it is.

Isn't this shit illegal?
We've pondered this question many times, normally returning the answer "who cares." As far as any of us can tell, however, it's perfectly legal, as the baitee is soliciting (sex from) us. That and there's always the fact that it's all online, where there really aren't any laws concerning harassment or anything, so it's pretty much fair game.

As far as posting personal information, I think our disclaimer page covers that pretty well. Look at it this way; if you call up a phone number you found in a bathroom stall, talk with the seemingly nice person on the other end and give them your name and address, should they be arrested if they give it out to all their friends? Of course not. At any rate, until we get some lawyer calling us up, or the SWAT team kicks in my front door, it's as good as legal.

My God, you are a bunch of sexist, racist, disgusting pigs.
We believe that in our modern day world of Political Correctness, it's good for the soul to be as filthy as possible, in every way, shape and form. We're overwhelmed with PC bullshit constantly, and it's healthy to get out your biases every once in awhile. In the case of baiting, most of it is simply done to further bait the victim, to get him to say things that'll look really funny when read by people who know what's going on. The baiting staff aren't all racist homosexual child impersonators, it just makes for funny reading. And that's the point, isn't it? If you don't like it, leave. Simple as that.

So you're saying that you guys are not gay?
As far as sticking your dick into another guy is concerned, no. We're all gay at heart, though!

Okay, so how does one bait?
Check out the Baiting 101 section. It pretty much has all the info you need to get started in this high-tech industry.

Dammit, this guy I baited isn't any fun.
It happens. They are only human after all, and the majority of baitees are pretty fucking stupid humans at that. Or goddamned non-english-speakin'-pedophile-arabs. Either way, you gotta accept that not every log is going to be funny. On the other hand, the better you get, the easier it becomes to turn a log around from boring to hilarious.

Who am I supposed to bait, anyway?
Pedophiles are the best, as they tend to be dumber than shit, but pretty much any race, religion, sexual orientation...fuck, anyone can be baited. Use your imagination, and set up your profile Interests and your screen name appropriately. If you take the name "fukinDegoWopNigr" for instance, you should be able to guess what kind of IMs you're going to receive.

I sent some guy an Instant Message, and got this great bait out of it...  (New 7/14/00)
You didn't get a bait at all, fucknut - if you IM them first it is not a fucking bait! I cannot stress this enough, people - they need to come to you, or else all you're doing is harassing the poor person.

14 year old boys keep IMing my account, should I bait or just ignore them?  (New 7/14/00)
Although the definition of pedophile doesn't really specify how old the offender has to be, you can pretty much take it as a given that if they're not over 18, they're not breaking any law or rule of good taste. Back when I was 14 I tried to get it on with girls my age ( I still do. Try and get it on with 14 year olds, that is). There's much more to it than just that - keep in mind that we're trying to have fun at the expense of sick, depraved *men* that want to have sex with girls that are little more than *children*. So please, if the poor schmuck you're baiting tells you he's 15/m/NY, just block him and go on to older, more deserving miscreants.

Sweet, I just got a phone number! Won't this guy be surprised when I call him!
We strongly suggest you don't, as you'd be entering the domain of the FCC and phone harrassment. If you do, however, please don't mention this site; Our official policy is "never verify any information you receive as being real or not," and for the sake of our personal well-being we mean it. Thanks.

Fuck, I just got IMed by a cop!
*sigh* Moron.

What the Hell is it with you guys and sodomy?
Unwanted homosexual sex is, for whatever reason, damn funny. Joking about utter gayness is, in general, damn funny. The word "cock," especially when applied to the same sentence as "in your ass" is damn funny.

Maybe it's just us, but we think it's damn funny, okay?

Why does everyone say "Mmmmm" all the time?
"Mmmm" is the pedophile mating call. It's an inside joke, which is why we use it a lot in our baits.

What about "sexy chat?"
That's an inside joke as well, which I believe stemmed from some egyptian IMing with the message "r u sexy chat?" At this point in time, "sexy chat" pretty much represents cybersex where the 'girl' eventually tries to fuck the guy with their cock. It's actually a lot more general a term than that, but I really wanted to say the word cock. Sorry.

...and "r u orgasm?" (New 7/14/00)
Inside joke as well. Damn Egyptians.

You guys are all gay, right?
Yes we are, and we're damned proud of it.

How do I contact someone at
You can contact us via email (address links are located throughout the site), or by submitting feedback on the Speak Your Mind page.

I submitted feedback, but then you fuckers went and made fun of everything I said.
Yes, we probably did. Maybe we should put a vote option on feedback as well.

I'm pretty good at baiting, can I join you guys?
Odds are, no; we've been doing this for a long time now, and even we still suck. I guess if you were good enough, and figured out some way to convince us to actually read your logs, there's the chance. I wouldn't count on it, though.

Hey fuckers, I was baiting long before you! I want credit!
Fuck off.

I found my phone number on one of your logs, take it down or I'll sue you.
Please contact our Personal Information Verification and Removal Team, being sure to include full contact information so we can verify that it is, in fact, your phone number (or other information). Note that if you gave it to one of our staff under the assumption that we were actually under-age females looking for sex, we may notify the FBI as well. Rest assured we will do everything we can to make you happy.

Who designed and built this site?
The site layout, graphics and most (non-log) content was created by Dirk using FrontPage, Adobe Photoshop (with EyeCandy filters), and good ol' Notepad. All coding was done by Sven using PHP, and some damn fine coding it is. Suggestions, criticism and contributions from many people, including X-Static, Kaen, Pimpy, and Flamesong, all helped make the site what it is. I bet they're sorry for what they've helped create, too.

You guys are k-rad! Can I link to your site? (New 7/14/00)
Of course you can! In fact, we've provided this handy-dandy banner for you to proudly display on your Christian Coalition webpage:

It's located at - just throw it up on your page and link it to, and everyone will be happy.

You said you are all gay, correct?
What!? Hey, fuck you! Where the fuck did you get that from? We're all straight, okay? Shit, man.

The fact that your voting is labeled -5 through 5 rather than 1 through 10 is fucking with my feeble, near-useless mind. Could someone (Kaen, in this case) please explain it to me?
5 = You'll be laughing for the next few days.
4 = You laughed your balls (or breasts) off.
3 = Damn funny shit.
2 = Not bad. No tears or stomach cramps, though.
1 = I got a chuckle or two. No, just one.
0 = Eh. I could've spent the time doing something better.
-1 = Huh?
-2 = Isn't crack illegal?
-3 = You fell asleep halfway through the log.
-4 = After reading this, you're considering mass homicide.
-5 = After you click 'Vote', you're going to disembowel yourself by pulling all your internal organs through your ass.

What program does the Forum use?
It's Phorum 3.0.8 slightly modified to match the site, the Topics/Author/Date graphics and the Blue Divider is ours, the rest is pretty much the default. We tweaked the colors to match as well, but it is pretty easy with the configuration page. The administration part of Phorum is kinda weak, and totally insecure, but it was super-easy to set up. I think I had it running in under an hour.

When I post my log to the Forum, it ends up looking all fucked up. How can I fix that?
Pool Toy, being the devoted pedo-loving baitster that he is, whipped up an AIM Log DeHTMLizer to format your logs better. Save the log to your desktop, copy it's HTML (view it using Notepad, or use the View Source menu command in whatever browser you're viewing it with), paste it into the form at, and if Pool Toy didn't totally fuck it up, it should format for your Forum-posting pleasure. (DirkNote: I'm way too lazy to take the time and test it, so we'll just assume it works)

I just started baiting, so I thought I'd post my very first log to the forum. I know it sucks, but I thought maybe someone could help me get better.  (New 7/14/00)
Hey, retard - have you no common sense? Does the entire concept of the site elude you? In case it does, let me spell it out for you; We're a bunch of assholes who take pleasure in making fun of those less fortunate (read: dumber) than us. If you post a log that even *you* think is shit, all we're going to do is tell you you're a fucking moron, doing our best to get a laugh out of those reading our response(s). More precisely, we (the baiting staff) won't say jack shit, instead leaving it to our faithful readers to do so. The fact of the matter is, we don't want to waste our time reading your pathetic excuse for a bait. If you don't think it's any good, DO NOT POST IT. It's that simple. Wait until you've got something somewhat decent, okay? Shit.

I've got a really funny log that I think deserves to be a Guest Baiter log, so I'm going to email it to you, okay?
DO NOT EMAIL US LOGS. Please, in the name of all that is holy and right, we hate getting logs emailed to us. Go to The Forum, post it there, and if it's really good, one of us will ask you for it. That's the key, people - we only like receiving emailed logs if we *ask for them*. Otherwise it's a waste, since we'll just tell you to post it in the Forum anyway.

Are there any other baiting websites/pages I should check out? (New 7/23/00)
The only two I feel like mentioning are FlaminglyQueer's bIATING page and Abel's Evil of Baiting page. Oh, yeah - check out GameHobo as well.

Last Updated: 07-23-2000
Active Visitors: 1
Visitors Today: 1
Logs Read Today: 346
Total Visitors: 826,755

4,302,614 pages served since October 11th, 2000.