Posted: 06/22/02 Score: 3.2 Votes: 401
Name: mzthing
Every once in awhile, a bait goes horribly wrong. This is one of those situations. *sighs*
Posted: 05/09/00 Score: 0.3 Votes: 161
Name: dirk000O1
Kubihibi is a complete fucking moron, and this log, along with part 2 (by Kaen) proves it.
Posted: 02/08/00 Score: 2.4 Votes: 182
Name: LuckyMe1405
This chick (well, 2 of 'em) IMed my friend, so I decided to do an indirect bait on them since she had a lot of names and such in her profile.

Posted: 05/09/00 Score: 2.6 Votes: 184
Name: dirk000O1
Well, Kubihibi decided to make a fake Dirk name, IM Dirk with it, at which point, Dirk said, "Time to have some fun." And it was. Here's the transcript to show (yet again) how fucking stupid Kubihibi is.

Posted: 02/24/00 Score: 1.3 Votes: 184
Name: Mightymouse2001
More in the saga of idiodic children that somehow think that I am their friend Laura. At least they aren't totally offended by anal sex.
Posted: 02/08/00 Score: 2.2 Votes: 311
Kinda short cause I had to do something, but its the only thing I have done in a while so I thought I would post it anyway.
Posted: 01/06/00 Score: 0.8 Votes: 151
Name: DivaRMG
I think I am the only one that thinks it's hilarious to carry on a conversation with someone with barely saying anything.
Posted: 01/06/00 Score: 0.8 Votes: 93
Nothing like some hot Scat pics.