NYCockExchange: Mmmm, sexy chat? You IM baiter? Have fun? yes?
djlicuova: ?
NYCockExchange: Your dick release a juice? r u orgasm? Mmmm?
djlicuova: sorry... i just thought you were from utah. slc?
NYCockExchange: I live in Utah after moving from Japan. I like dick! It very soothing and cool!
djlicuova: like for real? or just pretend? your very young for that.
NYCockExchange: Dick very comfortable... it feel excellent and satisfiying!!
djlicuova: not to be mean, i'm sure your sweat, but anyone ever tell you your a whack job? where are you learning your english???!!!
djlicuova: it can be hard i know. i moved here from mexico when i was young. i like the us, but not ut. you?
NYCockExchange: Yes... I sweat when when your good dick is solid in my pleasant vagina.
djlicuova: lol
djlicuova: better make sure your parents dont see lol
NYCockExchange: You want a cyber? Mmmm?
djlicuova: @---I---- a rose for sweet rosie

NYCockExchange: The rose is smell good... I much like it!
djlicuova: not as much as i like you

djlicuova: ...rosie

NYCockExchange: My pic not on computer.
djlicuova: oh

djlicuova: oh well. i bet your very cute. maybe we could meat in rl sometime?

NYCockExchange: Okay it sounds okay.
NYCockExchange: What is your age?
djlicuova: ... well... 21. not to old, cuz we could just meat as friends. i just like meating new people.
djlicuova: are you there? not scared?
NYCockExchange: Meat like sushi? You bring also saki?
djlicuova: meat as in see your pretty face

NYCockExchange: You eat the meat of my face?
NYCockExchange: What will I put makeup on after?
djlicuova: lol
djlicuova: no not meet, meat

NYCockExchange: You are butcher man?
djlicuova: hey, i have to go

NYCockExchange: I not want you to carve my face
djlicuova: never! cover it in kisses mabye

djlicuova: ...maybe
NYCockExchange: But you want meat of my face!!
djlicuova: no, i don't. just forget it. k?
NYCockExchange: Does not taste good.... forget for you is best.
djlicuova: um, i don't have to go for a little bit maybe. do you still want to cyber. no meet, promise


NYCockExchange: You sexy chat? Good?
djlicuova: yeah, sure

NYCockExchange: Begin?
djlicuova: what are you wearing sweatie?

NYCockExchange: Not sweaty yet... have not fingered pleasant hole.
djlicuova: lets fix that

NYCockExchange: Hole is not broken. Okay? Mmmm?
djlicuova: your a virgin? cool

djlicuova: have you ever thought of having sex for real with someone a little older- who knows what he's doing?
NYCockExchange: Not understand you.
djlicuova: we can think of that later. i'm getting hard just talking to you. what are you wearing now?
NYCockExchange: I wear brouse and silk dress. They smooth... feel relax.
djlicuova: mmm. i sit by you at the bed, stroake your soft hair and slip your shirt slowly off your shoulder.
NYCockExchange: Shirt... is not of shoulder.
djlicuova: kiss your shoulder, even smoother than the silk on your body. take off your dress for me?
NYCockExchange: Shirt is not of shoulder. It wear on my chest and body stomach.
djlicuova: ok. but don't wear anything now k?

NYCockExchange: You want off clothes? Mmmm?
NYCockExchange: Your dick is solid?
djlicuova: yeah. getting that way. what can yuo do to help?
NYCockExchange: Your hand choke your dick well?
djlicuova: mm, and your hand too please?
djlicuova: are you busy rosey? or just slow typer?
NYCockExchange: My hand is happy... it feel my handle and make sweet feeling.
djlicuova: sorry to leave. i really do have to go though... just hoped we could be quicker. can i im you sometime when i have more time?
NYCockExchange: Sexy chat IM? Mmmm? Horny?
djlicuova: yeah. soon. promise. put me on your buddy list!

djlicuova: bye bye sweatie

NYCockExchange: Wait?
djlicuova: i can't for long...

NYCockExchange: I not add you buddy.

NYCockExchange: Because I don't fucking understand you at all. Maybe you could explain to me why the fuck you'd want to put an older man on your buddy list... especially one that acts like a little girl on the internet & has really shitty english?
djlicuova: wtf?
djlicuova: you are a whack job, you sick fucking psycho
NYCockExchange: I want my 10" cock sucked by a younger man. Think you can do that for me, motherfucker? You're 14 years my junior, but you're near the prime of your sex life.
djlicuova: what happened to your daughter?
NYCockExchange: Daughter? Who the fuck are you talking about?
djlicuova: the girl, rosie, she was sweat. where is she?
djlicuova: better stop threatening me sick fuck. i'm in utah to, and i know what school she goes to.
NYCockExchange: I threw her in the closet and locked it up... It's just you and me now.
djlicuova: that's ilegal! let her out!
NYCockExchange: I'm her exchange sponsor... I'll do what I want. And I'm not letting her out until you suck my cock.
djlicuova: like i give a fuck. *suck suck* now let her the fuck out or i'll report child servises on you! that's against the law, and i know her name. they could find you in no time you sick, fucking, morman bastard.
NYCockExchange: Look, fucker... She's banging on the closet door now. Am I going to let her out because you sucked my cock, or am I going to have to use raw force to get her to shut the fuck up?
djlicuova: i sucked your fucking cock. *suck suck* and do whatever the fuck you want. i'm calling child protective welfare right now. enjoy your last hour as a disgrase to men.
NYCockExchange: Yeah? Well, if you call, I'm going to fucking KILL HER, you got that? You think her parents in Tokyo will like that? What NOW, motherfucker?
djlicuova: sick fuck. you would be in jail the rest of your fucking life. then you'd be the ass monkey.
djlicuova: just let her go, tell me where to come get her and i won't say a word
NYCockExchange: If you wanna come get her, you better bring a shovel... cause you just pissed me off, and she's gonna pay the price.
djlicuova: fucking fagget liar
djlicuova: take the shovel, stick it up your ass, and cum like you always do
NYCockExchange: Watch the news tonight. Maybe you'll get to see a little picture of the victim.
djlicuova: at least let me talk with her- bring her back for a minute, and i'll do whatever the fuck you want. i just want to make sure she's ok?
NYCockExchange: She's NOT okay... You fucking pissed me off earlier. So I'm getting you back this way, understand? Yeah, you LIKE that fucking shit, don't you?
djlicuova: bastard liar. don't im me anymore.
NYCockExchange: Hello? I type not fast now... arm not good. It open.
djlicuova: leave. get out of the house, run.
djlicuova: tell me where to pick youup
NYCockExchange: I am in rope. No run. Feeling not good strong.
djlicuova: wheres your house? i'll beat that bastard down
NYCockExchange: In near creek and trees. At side of park. I am cold.
djlicuova: near the bookstore? that's the only creek i know of...
NYCockExchange: You are nice good person. You have meat of my face when I no live more soon.

djlicuova: see you soon rosie. be strong
NYCockExchange: Are you gonna call the cops? If you disconnect, I'll break her fucking neck!!
Previous message was not received by djlicuova because of error: User djlicuova is not available.
djlicuova signed on at 2:43:59 PM.
djlicuova: are you still there? where do you go to school? not in slc? i can't find it anywhere!
NYCockExchange: Who the fuck is this?
djlicuova: oh, the bastard faget. put rosie on.
NYCockExchange: What the fuck? Don't tell me that you were trying to track me down? You think you're some kind of a fucking hero?
djlicuova: hardly. you're a sick fuck though, and don't deserve an exchange student. she doesn't even rrealize that things can be better for her here!
NYCockExchange: Things can't get any better for her anymore.
NYCockExchange: Especially if I can't get her pulse going anymore.
djlicuova: not with you
djlicuova: fucking liar. is there even an exchange student there?
NYCockExchange: Not any more... just a corpse, I'm afraid.
djlicuova: i think you're lying. i don't think there is even a rosie at all
NYCockExchange: Whatever, motherfucker. It doesn't matter now. She's gone.
NYCockExchange: Don't tell me - you're one of those goddamned romantics, and you can't get over the cold, hard facts. Am I right?
djlicuova: you've pissed me off more than i ever kind of liked rosie. i can't wait to watch your sorry, stretched-out ass frying
NYCockExchange: You dumb son-of-a-bitch!! Don't be surprised if you leave your home one day & find her head on your fucking porch.
djlicuova: she did leave it to me ass blow.
djlicuova: and your sorry ass will rott because of it. i don't think she could've died (if she did, i still think your fucking with me) for a better reason.
NYCockExchange: Go fuck yourself, asshole - I'm above the law. ...You can't even begin to understand my connections. I ain't going down.
djlicuova: we'll see. at the least you'll be down at my feet sucking my big fat cock.
NYCockExchange: Why, will you be sharing a fucking cell with me somewhere?
NYCockExchange: That'd be fitting... a convicted killer and a child molestor in the same cell.
djlicuova: you being both?
NYCockExchange: I'm not surprised that you don't see yourself as a child molestor.... you're a sick motherfucker, you know that?
NYCockExchange: Violence is okay... kids need to learn obedience. But sex with kids is wrong.
djlicuova: says the guy who "opened" a 13 year old immigrants arm?
djlicuova: not if you are a kid fucker. besided, nothings illegal over the internet
djlicuova: i'm done with you getting your jollies playing with my mind.
djlicuova: tell rosie it was nice talking with her, and she knows my sn if she ever wants to talk, sorry piece of shit.
NYCockExchange: Spoken like a true wanna-be hero. ...Fucking geek.
djlicuova: at least i'm not the one pretending to be 13 online. some great life you must have, champion
djlicuova: all kinds of joy and fufillment
djlicuova signed off at 3:06:22 PM.
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