PaulCute1: hey how are you?
Kyodi Tae: Good. You?
PaulCute1: good thanks
Kyodi Tae: So, what's up?
PaulCute1: wat u doing
Kyodi Tae: Nothing. Til you showed up.
PaulCute1: nothing hunm
PaulCute1: hun
Kyodi Tae: And made my life complete.
Kyodi Tae: Nothing at all. What about you?
PaulCute1: nothing looking for some late night fun
PaulCute1: hehe
PaulCute1: haha
PaulCute1: u?
Kyodi Tae: Hehe. I know what you mean. What were you looking for?
PaulCute1: u
PaulCute1: brb
Kyodi Tae: Alright. Lemme know when you're back.
Kyodi Tae: You sure know how to piss a girl off.
Kyodi Tae: Don't start without me, Paul.
PaulCute1: i am here hun
PaulCute1: sorry
Kyodi Tae: S'ok. Tell me about yourself.
PaulCute1: u first
PaulCute1: hehe
Kyodi Tae: Well, like my profile says, I'm 12, female, from Korea, and I like hot, older guys.
Kyodi Tae: What about you?
PaulCute1: got a pic/
PaulCute1: ?
PaulCute1: 17/m/va
Kyodi Tae: Ooooh....bad answer. Buh-bye.
PaulCute1: likt to please women anyway possible
PaulCute1: joke
PaulCute1: i am really 22
Kyodi Tae: Sure you are. Do you have a picture you can prove your age with?
Kyodi Tae: Like a picture of your driver's license?
Kyodi Tae: I like driver's license photos. They make me hot.
PaulCute1: yes
PaulCute1: if u do
Kyodi Tae: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
PaulCute1: haha ok
PaulCute1: u go first
Kyodi Tae: I'll have to look for mine on my computer. While I'm doing that, why don't you send me yours?
PaulCute1: ok let me take mine
Kyodi Tae: K.

PaulCute1: ok
PaulCute1: me too
Kyodi Tae: What picture are you sending me?
PaulCute1: hold on
Kyodi Tae: If you could get your cock in the picture with your driver's license, I'll do things to you that you've never even heard of.
PaulCute1: ok
Kyodi Tae: I'll do things that I've never even heard of. How's that for motivation?
PaulCute1: do u have your pic ready
Kyodi Tae: Almost. I have it narrowed down to three subdirectories.
Kyodi Tae: Oh, I have to be able to read your driver's license. I seriously can't get off without the guy being over 18. Over 20, preferably.
PaulCute1: ok no prob
Kyodi Tae: Hurry up. I'm losing rigidity.
PaulCute1 wants to directly connect. PaulCute1 is now directly connected.

PaulCute1: u like
PaulCute1: it?
PaulCute1: u
PaulCute1: want more?
Kyodi Tae: Ok, two things wrong with this picture: A) it's way too small, B) it doesn't have your driver's license in it, and C) it doesn't have your cock in it.
Kyodi Tae: So, three things, really, I guess.
PaulCute1: i have a pic with my cock
PaulCute1: i am waiting for your pic first
Kyodi Tae: Well, it needs to be bigger so I can read the driver's license.,
Kyodi Tae: Holy Christ, dude - 491K for this picture? Wow. You must have a huge cock.
Kyodi Tae: Last picture I took like that was only 200K. That's less than half the size of yours!
Kyodi Tae: Sorry this takes so long - my connection in Korea really sucks.
Kyodi Tae: The anticipation of your 491K cock is driving me crazy.
Kyodi Tae: By the way, in that little picture, you look a lot like Doug Stanhope.

Kyodi Tae: Damn you for not including your driver's license. But you're clearly not 17. Or 22 for that matter.
PaulCute1: so
PaulCute1: u liek it
Kyodi Tae: How old are you really?
Kyodi Tae: Yes. Very much.
PaulCute1: 30
Kyodi Tae: It's hot.
PaulCute1: where is your pic?
do u liek mine?
Kyodi Tae: Is your bellybutton pierced?
Kyodi Tae: Or is that just bad picture quality?
PaulCute1: no i gues that is just some weird reflection
Kyodi Tae: Do you have any piercings?
PaulCute1: where is yoru pic
Kyodi Tae: I'm trying to find a good one. One with my naughty bits showing in their full, prepubescent glory.
PaulCute1: hehe
Kyodi Tae: Why don't you start by telling me what you want to do to me, and I'll find a good one, OK?
PaulCute1: well u got to turn me on first
PaulCute1: well u got to turn me on first
Kyodi Tae: I do?
Kyodi Tae: I thought foreplay was for the benefit of the woman.
PaulCute1: mmmm
PaulCute1: really sexy
PaulCute1: so what r u wearing
Kyodi Tae: And while I'm not a woman, exactly, being 12 years old and all, don't you think you should do a little foreplay to get me going to give me some incentive to do things to you?
Kyodi Tae: My Little Pony pajamas.
Kyodi Tae: And panties with a pink waistband.
PaulCute1: mmm
PaulCute1: well i want to please u anyway u want me to
PaulCute1: lick u all over
PaulCute1: and be yoru slave
Kyodi Tae: I appreciate men with imagination.
PaulCute1: send yoru pic hun
Kyodi Tae: And I mean "appreciate".
Kyodi Tae: I'm fucking working on the picture, for fuck's sake, dude - seriously, can't a girl find a good one?
PaulCute1: r u wet?
Kyodi Tae: Not yet. You haven't done shit to me yet.
Kyodi Tae: You have to give me reason to stick my tiny, willowly Asian hands down my pants and manipulate my genitals.
Kyodi Tae: Willowly? I meant willowy. I hope that slip of the tongue, or fingers as it were, won't make you think less of me as an adolescent cybersex partner.
PaulCute1: well i want to taste your pussy juices so u better get wet soon
PaulCute1: i want to slide my wet warm hard tongue deep in your pussy
PaulCute1: up and down at first over your clit
PaulCute1: then in and out
PaulCute1: making u wet as hell
Kyodi Tae: Alright, well, I've already given you a hint on how to make me wet, aside from spraying me with a hose.
PaulCute1: till u cum allover my face
PaulCute1: amd make me swallow
Kyodi Tae: Imagination. Use your imagination.
Kyodi Tae: I'll make you swallow, dude - seriously, you have no idea.
PaulCute1: and spank you like a father does
Kyodi Tae: What if I did something like this?
Kyodi Tae: My daddy doesn't spank me. He makes me spank myself.
PaulCute1: mmmmmm
PaulCute1: go on
Kyodi Tae: I have to go out and pick a switch, then come back in and spank myself with it.
Kyodi Tae: That's how we do things in Korea.
PaulCute1: mm
Kyodi Tae: Self-actualization is a huge deal ever since Kim Jong Il gained power.
Kyodi Tae: Of course, that's in the North, not down here in Seoul, but you didn't read my profile, so I doubt you would have caught that little slip of persona.
Kyodi Tae: Anyway, moving on to spanking myself
PaulCute1: yes go on
Kyodi Tae: Often, because I'm an exceptionally bad girl, I leave welt marks. But since I'm on the creative side, I like to spell things out on my bare, peach-like bottom.
Kyodi Tae: What kind of things do you think I spell?
PaulCute1: not sure
Kyodi Tae: Well, use your imagination or that whole swallowing my jizz fantasy you divulged to me earlier may not come to fruition.
PaulCute1: yes
Kyodi Tae: What do I spell on my bare ass with the welt marks.
PaulCute1: cock
Kyodi Tae: With a question mark. Damn my poor punctuation tonight.
Kyodi Tae: So, you think I have "cock" spelled out across my firm young ass in searing red marks?
Kyodi Tae: Wrong, but this is fun, and making me hot. Guess again.
PaulCute1: suck me
Kyodi Tae: Not yet. First you have to guess what I have written across my ass.
Kyodi Tae: Look at my ass and read it. See?
PaulCute1: giv eme a hint
Kyodi Tae: Just look at it.
Kyodi Tae: See?
PaulCute1: is says see
Kyodi Tae: No, it doesn't. I was asking you if you can see it. Can you?
PaulCute1: no
Kyodi Tae: Can you see it in your mind?
PaulCute1: no
Kyodi Tae: Hrm. Your imagination kind of sucks. I think some imagination exercises might help that.
Kyodi Tae: Let's do one now, shall we?
PaulCute1: yes
Kyodi Tae: First, I want you to imagine that I am a spaceship. You are a Mantid, orbiting the Earth while manipulating the excited brainwaves of humans on ketamine. As a spaceship, I find you. What happens?
Kyodi Tae: Use your imagination!
Kyodi Tae: Come on - if you give me a good fantasy here, I'll send you my picture. I found a hot one.
PaulCute1: u take me up and u ripp of my cloths and while i am passed out u findle me and do whatever u want to me
PaulCute1: u put penial implants in my dick
Kyodi Tae: Come on, use your Photon Accelerator Cannon on me!
PaulCute1: and whip me inot shap
PaulCute1: with huge pecs and abs
Kyodi Tae: Bypass the Secondary Quantum Drive Relays!
PaulCute1: then u take me with you and u se me as your sex slave
Kyodi Tae: Here's my fantasy:
PaulCute1: i use the photn accelator giant vibrator on u ever night
PaulCute1: and it nearly kilss u with the amazing outspace orgasm
Kyodi Tae: I'm going to whip out my Photon Accelerator Cannon, and Bypass your Secondary Quantum Drive Relay, also known by Space Navy Crewmen as "the Poop Chute".
Kyodi Tae: So, can you imagine my cannon in your "Poop Chute"?
PaulCute1: r u gonna send the pic or not?
PaulCute1: mmmmmmmmmmmm
PaulCute1: feels good
PaulCute1: more
Kyodi Tae: Is that hot? My cannon in your Poop Chute?
PaulCute1: yes
Kyodi Tae: God, I haven't done this in so long, I'm really not funny anymore.
PaulCute1: very hot i am rubbing my cock now wioth lotion
PaulCute1: it is so hard because of your story
PaulCute1: pic???
Kyodi Tae: That's hot. Send me a picture of your lotion-coated cock.
PaulCute1: u send yorus first
Kyodi Tae: I'm doing an aside right now. A soliloquy, if you will, so don't interrupt.
Kyodi Tae: I haven't even talked dirty since Nancy left me. Much less created full fantasies for 30yr old men with shaved penises (refer above picture).
Kyodi Tae: The Cannon in the Relay bit is really the best I could do at the moment.
Kyodi Tae: This sucks. Dude, I'm sorry I haven't been able to make this a memorable experience for you.
Kyodi Tae: Paul, right?
PaulCute1: send your pic
Kyodi Tae: Did you get the joke about the visual cues I was throwing out a little earlier?
PaulCute1: yes
Kyodi Tae: Saying things like, "See? Can you see it?". Was that clear?
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
Kyodi Tae: I think you are a visually stimulated person. Am I right?
PaulCute1: yes
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
Kyodi Tae: What about tactile stimulation?
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
Kyodi Tae: I'm working on it. This fantasy got me so hot, I forgot where the picture was.
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
Kyodi Tae: I'm looking for it. Tell me what a huge Accelerator Cannon I have.
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
Kyodi Tae: Do you like midgets?
PaulCute1: r u going to send your pic?
Kyodi Tae: Alright, the truth is, I don't have a picture. At least not one you'd like to see.
Kyodi Tae: It's a lot like yours.
PaulCute1: send
Kyodi Tae: Except I'm 64. Male, and with a slightly larger penis, even without the added-length illusion that some men create by shaving their cock.
PaulCute1 direct connection is closed.
Kyodi Tae: Are you mad?
Previous message was not received by PaulCute1 because of error: User PaulCute1 is not available.
Kyodi Tae: Holy Christ, that log sucked ass.
Previous message was not received by PaulCute1 because of error: User PaulCute1 is not available.
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