Posted: 03/17/00 Score: 2.5 Votes: 216
Name: AFSilverstar
This is some guy I think was trying to get Blu KottonKandy to cyber with him, so he thought he'd be a man and try to stop me from ragging on her. Bad choice, asshole. Log three of three of the Pet Chat saga.
Posted: 03/17/00 Score: 2.2 Votes: 123
Name: Dirtbikedude2566
Here's Blu KottonKandy's boyfriend. He's stupider than she is. Log two of the three of the Pet Chat room saga.
Posted: 03/17/00 Score: 2.6 Votes: 178
Name: Blu KottonKandy
This is second bitch to IM me after I went into the AOL Pet Chat room and talk about how I lick my dog dry after I bathe him. I forgot to save the first bitch, but she was remarkably unfunny anyway. This is the first of three simultaneously-going IMs directed at me. Try not to gouge your own eyes out at these people's stupidity.
Posted: 01/10/00 Score: 1.3 Votes: 243
Name: Call Me Crazy 69
This isn't a sex log, but this guy(girl?) was a complete idiot who wouldn't get the hint.

Posted: 09/04/03 Score: 2.6 Votes: 99
Name: PaulCute1
It's been 3 year since I've baited, so fuck off.
Dirknote: The glint in this guy's eyes is disturbing. That is, if "forcing me to masturbate repeatedly" means "disturbing".
Posted: 11/09/00 Score: 3.1 Votes: 93
Name: K1R4NP
Since you no-talent ass-clowns have been bitching for so damned long about no new logs from the Master Baiters, I decided to spite you and post a log from WAY back when. Now put this in your mouth and like it. I have no idea how good or bad this log is, so if you don't like it, eat my ass.
Posted: 06/21/00 Score: 2.7 Votes: 108
If you're a pedophile and looking for a new car, the Mercury Mistress is the luxury vehicle for you. Get the Executive package, too - I love the sodomy. (Old bait - I'm a lazy bitch)
Posted: 06/05/00 Score: 2.3 Votes: 78
Name: ADogg47
I am the 14th Century King of France, dammit. Another old-ass bait for ya. At least this one was in my "Postable Baits" folder.
Posted: 02/04/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: yudhavai
Posted: 01/22/00 Score: 2.3 Votes: 51
Name: SwEeTkRuMpY13420

Posted: 05/09/00 Score: 2.6 Votes: 184
Name: dirk000O1
Well, Kubihibi decided to make a fake Dirk name, IM Dirk with it, at which point, Dirk said, "Time to have some fun." And it was. Here's the transcript to show (yet again) how fucking stupid Kubihibi is.

Posted: 02/14/00 Score: 3.0 Votes: 242
Name: Saint Paull1000
The Gates to Heaven lie beneath the robes of St. Paul, and I always thought it was St. Peter. Man, I'm going to Hell for this log...