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Gays Beating Gays
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 04/23/01         Score: 3.4         Votes: 341
An insider's tale of violence within the gay community - gay people beating each other, instead of beating each other off.
One4Him32: hey guy here...u wanna chat?
One4Him32: 18 year old...hard cock
NYCockExchange: Hi. You wanted to chat? 18 year old...hard cock?
One4Him32: oh yeah...gettin harder...u gotta pic?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. But what does your name mean?
One4Him32: im on a friends...i dont know
NYCockExchange: A friend? Is your friend a male or a female?
One4Him32: female
NYCockExchange: And you are a male, right?
One4Him32: yep
One4Him32: can i see ur pic?
NYCockExchange: Oh no! What will your girl-friend think when she sees your sticky, hot, thick cum all over the keyboard?
One4Him32: not my girlfriend though...just a friend
One4Him32: and who cares...she has caught me beating it b4
NYCockExchange: Okay, then. What will your female friend think when she sees your sticky, hot, thick cum all over the keyboard?
One4Him32: maybe she will think its hot
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... maybe I would, too. But... well, I think we need to have a little talk.
One4Him32: whats that?
NYCockExchange: It's your name. "One For Him 32"... You sound like a 32-year-old gay man. I despise faggots and will not cyber with them.
One4Him32: no no...she is talkin bout her boyfriend...and her favorite number is 32
One4Him32: soo...can i see ur pic?
NYCockExchange: Oh?? Well, that's a pretty reasonable explanation.
NYCockExchange: Would you tell me how much you hate queers, so I can be sure that you're not a flamer?
One4Him32: dude...flamers make me sick...they make me wanna hurl
NYCockExchange: I don't want to cyber with a guy who is pretending that I am another guy... that's so gross.
One4Him32: no way...thats sick...i love women
NYCockExchange: Okay! Me too. You want my pic now?
One4Him32: sure do
NYCockExchange: Okay!
NYCockExchange. One4Him32 is now directly connected.
One4Him32: damn...ur hot girl...u got any nudes?
NYCockExchange: No, I don't have any nudes. And I feel bad for this pic being on your girlfriend's computer, unless she's a lesbian.
One4Him32: nah...ill save it on a disk
One4Him32: u want my pic?
NYCockExchange: That's considerate of you. I wish I had a friend that would come over and jack off all over my keyboard.
NYCockExchange: Sure, send the pic.
One4Him32: haha...just a sec
One4Him32: there i am
NYCockExchange: Whoa. That's halfway to a mullet, you know that?
One4Him32: haha...thats not goin for the mullet EVER
NYCockExchange: That's good. I mean, in The Stand (the movie) Randall Flagg (the bad guy) had a mullet, and he was the epitome of ultimate evil.
One4Him32: is ultimate just kinda here today, laid back kinda day here
NYCockExchange: That's neato. So what's on your mind, fellow homophobe?
One4Him32: bad i would love to rip ur clothes off and fuck ur brains out
NYCockExchange: Sweet! Could we roleplay?
One4Him32: sure
NYCockExchange: Okay... I want to roleplay that we are both a couple of queer-hatin' rednecks.
One4Him32: ok...their gonna be any sex involved?
NYCockExchange: Yeah... I want to beat the fuck out of the flaming faggots with you, and then have hot, amazing sex afterwards.
NYCockExchange: Let's say we're crouched in an alley outside of a gay bar.
One4Him32: ok
One4Him32: crouched with pipes in our hands
NYCockExchange: I feel the rusty, curved surface of the pipe in my hand, thinking about how my hand will be on *another* curved, hard surface later... we watch the entrance in anticipation.
One4Him32: i want to shove my curved surface in ur pussy, but wait for the beatin of the queers
NYCockExchange: A young couple of faggots walks out of the bar, hand in hand. One is wearing Abercrombie Fitch gear, and the other is wearing a hot pink CK-1 t-shirt.
One4Him32: we step out from behind the dumpster weilding our pipes
NYCockExchange: "TAKE THIS, YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!" I growl, swinging my pipe in a clear arc over my head. The pipe, connecting with the CK-1 boy's skull makes a horrible - yet beautiful - crunching sound. He stumbles forward, and I look to you for a second.
One4Him32: i then smash the other in the face then kick him repeatedly
NYCockExchange: Seeing your bloodlust, I become even more violent and enraged, slamming my rusty metal pipe into the other faggot's back. He arches backward for a second, and falls flat on his face, his arms flailing about.
One4Him32: i kick them both as they scream in pain
NYCockExchange: I whack the one with the Abercrombie Fitch gear on the back of the head several times. "FUCKING GODDAMNED HOMO SLUTS!!!" I scream with each swing of the rusty pipe. "FAGGOTS! QUEERS!" The back of his head starts to bleed profusely, bone chips flying about.
One4Him32: as they lay unconscious...i look at u and get rock hard....wanting to fuck u right there
NYCockExchange: I look at you with the same, sex-starved look in my eyes. I walk over to you, pull your belt off, and unbutton your pants.
NYCockExchange: I unzip them, and they fall to your knees.
One4Him32: i rip ur shirt off revealin ur hot tits
One4Him32: i start to play with ur rock hard nipples
NYCockExchange: Whoa - I don't have "hot tits".. women have those.
NYCockExchange: I pull your shirt up over your head, and I bite into your neck.
One4Him32: woah...i thought u were a chick
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I am a 13-year-old chick. Not a woman.
One4Him32: u have tits in the picture i saw
NYCockExchange: I start humping your leg, repeatedly pressing my hardness against you. I move your hands down to them (my pants), so you can pull them off of me.
One4Him32: i pull them off of u, i see ur hot little thong
NYCockExchange: I push you to your knees, urging you to take my thong off with your teeth.
One4Him32: i go down and pull off ur thong with my teeth as i start to lick ur hot bare pussy
NYCockExchange: Pussy?!?
One4Him32: yeah...why?
NYCockExchange: Oh... I see what you're getting at. Lick my "clit".
NYCockExchange: It's okay.
One4Him32: i start gently lickin ur clit as my cock continues to get harder
NYCockExchange: My "clit" grows, getting longer and thicker as you lick it. As I moan with pleasure, I watch your own man "clit" get harder.
One4Him32: i turn so we can do iti 69 style
NYCockExchange: Mmm... are you picking me up for the 69? Or are we lying down?
One4Him32: lying u down
NYCockExchange: Am I on your back, or on top of you?
NYCockExchange: Er.. Am I on my back, or on top of you?
One4Him32: ur on top of me as ur clit is burying my face
NYCockExchange: I am on top of you humping, thrusting my "clit" into your mouth. My "clit" fills your mouth, and my "clit sack" smothers your chin.
One4Him32: oh yeah, i love it...explain how ur giving me head
NYCockExchange: I'm giving head to you the same way that you are giving head to me, but I am on top.
One4Him32: i love the way my dick feels in ur mouth
NYCockExchange: Me too... I hump harder, sliding it in and you. I am hoping that you aren't suddenly startled, which might make you bite it off.
NYCockExchange: I moan, looking at the dying bodies of the faggots.
One4Him32: oh no, i love the way it feels
One4Him32: we get up then i bend u over
NYCockExchange: As you poke into my asshole, I ask for a reacharound.
One4Him32: i drop the pipe in front of u and ask u to pick it up as i spread ur ass cheeks as i plunge my big cock in
One4Him32: i reach my fingers around into ur clit
NYCockExchange: Into my "clit"? It's a really tiny hole, you know?
One4Him32: and into ur pussy
NYCockExchange: Just stroke my 10-inch, hard "clit" up and down...that's what I want.
One4Him32: i stroke it back and forth as i shove my big dick in and out of ur asshole
NYCockExchange: Slide your hand all the way, up and down the whole length... I want to feel my pre-cum all over your hand. I want to feel my own semen cover my rock-hard, throbbing manly hunk of a "clit".
One4Him32: i stroke it up and down back and forth
NYCockExchange: Suddenly, I prematurely ejaculate. My cock shoots out multiple streams of hot, sticky, wet semen. This empties my nutsack, and I moan in pleasure, rubbing my hairy back against your chest.
One4Him32 direct connection is closed.
NYCockExchange: Suddenly, you feel a steel pipe hit the back of your head! "FAGGOTS!" you hear someone scream from behind you.
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