...hook, line and sinker.
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 08/02/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 96
I have nothing to say. When you spend a whole log telling someone you're a guy & that you're playing a joke, what CAN you say?!
NeoCitizn: whats up?
NYCockExchange: Just sittin' here, playin' with my laptop.
NeoCitizn: SoO may I ask what U look like?
NYCockExchange: No.
NeoCitizn: ok
NeoCitizn: umm
NeoCitizn: What do U do for fun?
NYCockExchange: Well, not a lot besides chatting. Sometimes I check out and go for motorcycle rides, but that's about it.
NeoCitizn: soudsn good... U play any sports?
NYCockExchange: No. Are you looking for an athletic person, or something? I'm not very active.
NYCockExchange: I usually just kind of stay still and let the guy ride me.
NeoCitizn: thasts even better
NeoCitizn: I'm not looking for an active kinda perons
NeoCitizn: I just need someone worth talkin to
NeoCitizn: what hobbies do U ahve besides chatting and riding bikes
NYCockExchange: Ah. So you're looking for a partner that - if on the top - you'll kind of sit & ride?
NeoCitizn: no
NeoCitizn: I'm active
NeoCitizn: but I enjoy just ebign together
NeoCitizn: without all the clutter
NeoCitizn: your 13?
NYCockExchange: Oh! You want to be in CONTROL then.
NeoCitizn: not really
NeoCitizn: I like to be equal
NYCockExchange: You want to do all of the rocking back and forth while being penetrated.
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm 13.
NeoCitizn: wellz I'd like her to be pleasured
NeoCitizn: more than I am
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm that way, too. Can't be a greedy guy, you know?
NeoCitizn: I kno
NeoCitizn: I'll take second to her
NYCockExchange: Great! Seems that we have just as much in common in our sexual philisophies as we do in our physical aspects.
NeoCitizn: are you very expericned?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I am.
NYCockExchange: I've sodomized more guys than you could shake a finger at.
NeoCitizn: whene did U start??
NeoCitizn: LoL~... wow... my kinda gurl
NYCockExchange: Ah, not long ago. ....Your kind of girl?
NeoCitizn: wellz expericend
NeoCitizn: is always good
NYCockExchange: Yeah - if you want you wanna be sodomized the right way, I am the one to come to.
NeoCitizn: mmm... what nationality are you
NeoCitizn: and how did U start haveing sex?
NYCockExchange: Well, I'm mixed, with some white, Filipino, and Ibait.
NeoCitizn: soudsn good...
NYCockExchange: And you?
NeoCitizn: korean
NeoCitizn: 100% pure
NeoCitizn: but very americanized
NYCockExchange: Oh. So, you're kind of a freedom-embracing gook, then, would you say?
NeoCitizn: hellz yea
NYCockExchange: Alright. So what are you in the mood for?
NeoCitizn: good ol chat
NeoCitizn: the dirty kinda
NeoCitizn: if your in the mood
NYCockExchange: Oh... sexy chat? I'm in the mood. But the question is: Is IT in you?
NeoCitizn: oh yea
NeoCitizn: can U handle me?
NYCockExchange: I sure can 'handle' you!
NeoCitizn: good...
NeoCitizn: what are you wearing babe?
NeoCitizn: can I ask what your name is?
NYCockExchange: You like being man-handled by younger girls?
NeoCitizn: never happened but I'll give it a try
NeoCitizn: if thats your thing
NeoCitizn: what aer U gonna be doin during the chat?
NYCockExchange: Wearing blue, ripped jeans and a white t-shirt.
NYCockExchange: What will I be doing?
NeoCitizn: I'm asking you
NeoCitizn: will U be arousing yourself in any way?
NYCockExchange: I'll probably have my right hand half-curled, strokin' myself up and down.
NeoCitizn: sounds very very nice...
NeoCitizn: well where should we start??
NYCockExchange: Oh, it is nice... I'm just hoping we can do this together!
NeoCitizn: oh yea
NeoCitizn: we will
NeoCitizn: so should I start?
NeoCitizn: or let ladies go first?
NYCockExchange: Sweet! You stroke your erect cock, and I'll rub my rigid member up and down.
NYCockExchange: You can start.
NeoCitizn: who are we?
NeoCitizn: and where are we
NeoCitizn: U choose
NeoCitizn: well
NeoCitizn: we start kissing
NYCockExchange: I'll be a 13-year-old girl from Utah, and you can be an incomprehensive gook.
NYCockExchange: And.. yeah.
NYCockExchange: We start kissing.
NeoCitizn: deep passionate kissing
NeoCitizn: psuhing my tongue against yours
NeoCitizn: and my ahdns roam and carress your nice breasts
NeoCitizn: lightly pinching your nipples over your shirt
NYCockExchange: Yeah. You push your tongue closer. The stubble between feels a little itchy, but we kiss deeply.
NeoCitizn: I slide my left hand under your shirt and start pulling dowono on your bra
NeoCitizn: kssing you deeper and deeper
NYCockExchange: My nipples are hard, poking at the fabric of my t-shirt.
NeoCitizn: gettin lost in each others mouth
NeoCitizn: I pull your shirt over your head
NeoCitizn: and lay you back
NYCockExchange: I gasp lightly, presseing against you - you can feel the stiffness growing against your leg.
NeoCitizn: still kissing I massage your milky breasts
NeoCitizn: and start to nibble your neck
NeoCitizn: and move back to your lips
NeoCitizn: and tastey tongue
NYCockExchange: Milky? That's for pregnant women. Just work your way down my stomach and start to fellate me, K?
NeoCitizn: k
NeoCitizn: I move down your body
NeoCitizn: sliding your jeans off
NeoCitizn: and removing your pnaties
NYCockExchange: Awesome. I lay back, letting you work your tongue all over my scrotum.
NeoCitizn: I gentlyr rub your mound...
NeoCitizn: I lick your lips
NeoCitizn: and lightly nibble
NeoCitizn: I extend my tongue
NYCockExchange: Rub that mound... fondle that pitcher....
NeoCitizn: and push it deep into your pussy
NYCockExchange: I moan deeply in delight as you go -
NeoCitizn: Mmm.. you taste so good
NYCockExchange: My what?
NYCockExchange: Into my what??
NeoCitizn: your love mound
NeoCitizn: sorry
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. The love mound, with the pitcher there?
NeoCitizn: LoL~..
NeoCitizn: no
NeoCitizn: what would U like em to call it?
NeoCitizn: hello?
NYCockExchange: I'd like to have a meeting on my love mound, between my little "pitcher" and your mouth.
NYCockExchange: You can call it... my "scrotum".
NeoCitizn: ok..
NYCockExchange: Right. Describe how you are fellating me, K?
NeoCitizn: I likc it deeper and deeper and rub your clit as I push my tongeu all around
NeoCitizn: taasting your insides
NeoCitizn: as I lick deep in you I gentle grope your breasts
NeoCitizn: mmm...
NYCockExchange: My he-clit throbs wildly as you slide your tongue all around.
NeoCitizn: I push my tongue deeper and deeper
NeoCitizn: I rub your clit
NeoCitizn: more and more
NYCockExchange: As you taste my insides, I moan - you give incredible analingus.
NeoCitizn: now with my left ahdn
NeoCitizn: I insert a figer
NeoCitizn: finger
NYCockExchange: Into?
NeoCitizn: and I rub, lick and finger your love mound
NeoCitizn: more and more tasteing and getting intrapped in your womenness
NYCockExchange: My scrotum tingles wildly with delight as you.... um.
NYCockExchange: Wait. Womenness?
NeoCitizn: your womenhood
NYCockExchange: You mean my masculinity, right?
NYCockExchange: They're a little different.
NeoCitizn: no
NeoCitizn: your a gurl
NeoCitizn: right?
NYCockExchange: Oh. So you're talking about my womanhood?
NYCockExchange: Sans wo?
NeoCitizn: says your profile
NYCockExchange: Oh yeah - that. *nods*
NYCockExchange: Okay, where were we?
NeoCitizn: ??
NeoCitizn: no no no
NeoCitizn: UR a gurl right?
NYCockExchange: Oh yeah, you were tounging and fingering my nutsack, while licking my asshole and rubbing my cock, too.
NYCockExchange: You could have scrolled up and read to have figured that out, though.
NeoCitizn: why doesn your SN say 13 F
NeoCitizn: as in female
NYCockExchange: Does THIS look familiar? :
NYCockExchange: ... I don't ask for cyber and I'm not gross in that way at all!!!...
NeoCitizn: wellz
NYCockExchange: That's in YOUR profile.
NeoCitizn: I do it time to time
NeoCitizn: wllz
NeoCitizn: I am horny
NeoCitizn: so
NYCockExchange: Right! And I have a big, hairy cock from time to time.
NeoCitizn: ok
NYCockExchange: Well, okay - it's always there, with the nutsack right below.
NeoCitizn: why do U pretend to be a guurl then?
NYCockExchange: *blank stare* What?
NeoCitizn: your profile says your a gurl
NYCockExchange: I wasn't pretending anything! I told you to lick my scrotum (nutsack), and you dove right in!
NeoCitizn: wellz
NYCockExchange: I told you I had a half-curled hand stroking my member up and down. And you say: we start kissing
NeoCitizn: why does your info say your a gurl?
NYCockExchange: Just admit that you're flaming and gay and we can get on with this.
NYCockExchange: Okay. I fixed it.
NYCockExchange: Now, can you cut-and-paste the new info into the chat so we can make sure?
NeoCitizn: what chat?
NeoCitizn: and why do U do this?
NYCockExchange: The chat window we're chatting in right now.
NYCockExchange: Where you type - paste it in there.
NeoCitizn: why do U do this?
NeoCitizn: answer me this first
NYCockExchange: Can you just paste it in, already? *sigh*
NeoCitizn: I'm a middle-aged man, you gook.
NeoCitizn: tell me now
NeoCitizn: why
NeoCitizn: U bother to do this
NYCockExchange: God, I love you. Now see that "Block" button in the lower left corner of the chat window?
NYCockExchange: Click on it.
NeoCitizn: bye
NeoCitizn: ok
NYCockExchange: No, that was the "Warn" button!

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