Does This Look Like Syphilis To You?
I Lost on Jeopardy, Pedo
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 08/29/03         Score: 2.7         Votes: 113
After sending me countless shit-ass baits to post, Jizzmopper finally sent this one. It's still total shit, but it's less total shit than the previous ones. And the line "there's just too much negro on you to be thwarted" is good, I guess. (Update: It seems that Chezwig is a moron and didn't realize that the above text is, for the most part, sarcasm. Just like nearly everything else I post on the site. So anyone else who didn't realize that, go give yourselves a pat on the back for being way too dense.
steebs24: wnana fuckl baby
steebs24: fuck
HottForDaddy: how old are you?
steebs24: 25
steebs24: u like
steebs24: ?
HottForDaddy: shit yeah
HottForDaddy: are you smart?
steebs24: kind of
steebs24: u wanna fuck
steebs24: ?
HottForDaddy: hmmmmmm
HottForDaddy: let me see if I can get this one right
steebs24: ?
HottForDaddy: my answer is:
HottForDaddy: YES
HottForDaddy: but
HottForDaddy: I have a couple rules
steebs24: what r they
HottForDaddy: Smart guys make me all wet
HottForDaddy: you ever watch Jeopardy?
steebs24: ya baby
HottForDaddy: NICE!
HottForDaddy: ok lets roleplay like this
HottForDaddy: you are a contestant on Jeopardy and I am the host
steebs24: ok sounds good
HottForDaddy: "hey everyone and welcome to new pre-teen jeopardy"
HottForDaddy: I am your host Kelly
HottForDaddy: and with me is our oldest contestant ever
steebs24: john
HottForDaddy: 25 year old . . . . . ummmm . . . . whats your name?
HottForDaddy: john
HottForDaddy: ok john
HottForDaddy: our categories are:
HottForDaddy: Kelly's Anus
HottForDaddy: Kelly's nipples
HottForDaddy: Kelly's dildo
HottForDaddy: and Local Pedophilia Ordinances
HottForDaddy: choose a category
steebs24: i'll take kell's Anus for 100
HottForDaddy: ok
HottForDaddy: This is the biggest thing that has ever been up Kelly's anus:
steebs24: what is my cock
HottForDaddy: hehehehe soon!
HottForDaddy: the answer is 'a pencil'
HottForDaddy: ok choose again
steebs24: kell's nipples for 100
HottForDaddy: This is what John wants to do most to my nipples
steebs24: what is lick them
HottForDaddy: correct!!!!!!!!
steebs24: good
HottForDaddy: I move a little bit closer to you
HottForDaddy: choose again big boy
steebs24: kellys anus fro 300
HottForDaddy: theres a daily double in there somewhere
HottForDaddy: ok
HottForDaddy: This is how many licks it takes to get to the creamy center of my butthole
steebs24: 20
HottForDaddy: wow
HottForDaddy: you're doing great
HottForDaddy: choose again
HottForDaddy: 2 more right answers
HottForDaddy: and you get to rail me like rodnuts
steebs24: ok
steebs24: kellys dildo for 100
HottForDaddy: This restaraunt is not only Kelly's fav, but it's also the one where she stole her first dildo from someone's purse
HottForDaddy: (hint read my profile)
steebs24: TGI fridays
HottForDaddy: YES
steebs24: ohh yesssssss
HottForDaddy: ok we only have one question left
steebs24: ok
HottForDaddy: and its in
HottForDaddy: Local Pedophilia Ordinaces
steebs24: ok lets go for 100
HottForDaddy: This is the penalty for soliciting sex with an underage child
steebs24: umm jai time
HottForDaddy: ooooooo close
HottForDaddy: judges?
HottForDaddy: the judges say they are going to make this one a 'visual daily double'
steebs24: ok
HottForDaddy: just then the studio door opens
HottForDaddy: in strut two HUGE well hung black men in prison jumpsuits
HottForDaddy: "hey john you 2 bit he-bitch" says the bigger of the two
HottForDaddy: you shudder in pain as his buddy grabs you
HottForDaddy: fear grips your body as you are violently separated from your pants
steebs24: ok
HottForDaddy: without neither love nor lube you feel 10 inches of stacked swamp ninja cock invade your anus
steebs24: it hurts and i try to thrwo them off
HottForDaddy: looking over I say "yes john the ULTIMATE punishment for pedophilia is actually painful anal rape"
HottForDaddy: your attempts prove unsuccessful
HottForDaddy: theres just way too much negro on you to be thwarted
HottForDaddy: The big one is pumping you so deep you can taste the tip of his rod in the back of your throat
steebs24: i throw them both ofdf d beat teh fuck ou of them
HottForDaddy: I watch, mildly amused as I diddle my clit
HottForDaddy: you land a couple good hits, but like your typing, they prove sloppy and inadequate, however I save you at the last moment by calling them off
HottForDaddy: thats enough boys
HottForDaddy: he gets the point
HottForDaddy: they leave and I come over to you
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