NYCockExchange: But... are you a man?
Bucko298: very much of a man
NYCockExchange: Really....?
NYCockExchange: Tell me about it, manly man.
Bucko298: What do you want to know?
NYCockExchange: Ummm... Tell me what seperates you from boys.
Bucko298: patience, experience, creativity - what seperates you from other girls?
NYCockExchange: Nothing. Other than the fact that I'm not a man.
NYCockExchange: I think.
NYCockExchange: Wait....
Bucko298: wait?? are you checking?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. Just making sure.
Bucko298: so you enjoy mature men
NYCockExchange: Now... what if I have patience, experience, and creativity? Does that make me a man, too?
Bucko298: Nope - but if you had the other things that make a male - they make you more of a man
NYCockExchange: Serious? I don't think I could be more of a man, to be honest!
Bucko298: you don't have the other things that would make you male silly
NYCockExchange: Well, what does it take beyond patience, experience, and creativity?
Bucko298: the right hormones, the right chromosones and all the body parts and feeling that come with those things
Bucko298: then knowing what to do with them'
Bucko298: what do you look like?
NYCockExchange: What manly feelings would you be talking about?
Bucko298: take one step at a time - you have to let the feelings develop - tell me what you look like - what you are wearing
NYCockExchange: Yeah, but I want to know more about these manly feelings!! I need to verify my sexuality!
Bucko298: Trust me you will
NYCockExchange: I'll just "know" that I'm a man someday?
Bucko298: You are a female right?
NYCockExchange: Yeah! I'm a girl!

Bucko298: We are going to explore your feelings and sexuality - just let me visualize you - what do you look like and what are you wearing?
NYCockExchange: Albeit, a confused one. I need your manly direction & decision-making skills.
Bucko298: We'll explore
Bucko298: answer my question then we'll explore
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'm 13, blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'3", 95 lbs. And I'm ready for some manly exploring!
Bucko298: what are you wearing - I like petite women
NYCockExchange: A white t-shirt and green Ben Davis pants.
Bucko298: do you have enough privacy to explore?
NYCockExchange: Yep! All the privacy a man can ask for!
Bucko298: Are you in the mood to be very submissive and do what you are asked or ____________ ??
NYCockExchange: __________________....!
Bucko298: How many men have enjoyed you online?
NYCockExchange: Technically, lots. ...That is, if they truly enjoyed me.
Bucko298: I will - if you cooperate with me little one - and so will you
NYCockExchange: Most of them have issues with me... Men aren't supposed to have issues.
NYCockExchange: I'll try cooperating... I don't have any issues with you yet!

Bucko298: I want you to submit your will to me - let me take you
NYCockExchange: I'm a little young to have a will, no? I don't have anyone to inherit my stuff!
Bucko298: you know what I mean smarty
NYCockExchange: Oh yeah. That.

Bucko298: do you submit?
NYCockExchange: I submit. *waving white flag*
Bucko298: coming from behind you - kissing your neck and shoulders
NYCockExchange: *liking it*
Bucko298: you need to stay with me
Bucko298: I reach down and slide your shirt off over your head - do that for real for me
NYCockExchange: Okay... shirt's off!
Bucko298: are you wearing a abra?
NYCockExchange: Abra cadabra?
Bucko298: ?????
NYCockExchange: You asked if I was wearing a abra.
Bucko298: good one
NYCockExchange: Abra cadabra is a magic phrase!
Bucko298: what size bra would you wear if you had one on?
NYCockExchange: Probably a small one. ...You like magic?
Bucko298: I love magic
NYCockExchange: Do you?

Bucko298: maybe
Bucko298: try
NYCockExchange: Okay. I'll need you to get undressed first. Or at least remove any garments at your waist, or lower.
Bucko298: like you are
Bucko298: I am doing that
NYCockExchange: Okay. Let me know when you're done!
Bucko298: you need to take off your pants too
NYCockExchange: That's right! I already have.
Bucko298: now what
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'm going to stand behind you. You need to close you eyes, and concentrate on what you feel!
Bucko298: okay
NYCockExchange: Now, relax....
NYCockExchange: *It feels like I am rubbing your ass cheeks with my small soft hands....*
Bucko298: yes
NYCockExchange: *Now, it feels like I am sliding a finger... no, two fingers, into your colon, massaging your prostate...*
NYCockExchange: How does that feel?

Bucko298: Just letting you explore - enjoying
NYCockExchange: Okay, now I want you to slowly open your eyes, okay?
Bucko298: I am - very slowly
NYCockExchange: *You see both of my hands in front of your face, my fingers wiggling...*
Bucko298: yes
NYCockExchange: Magic!!! My hands are in front of your face, yet it feels like there are two fingers in your rectum!
Bucko298: how did you do that?
NYCockExchange: With my cock!

Bucko298: your cock????
NYCockExchange: Yes. It's not really magical, but it's in the true spirit of manly exploration!
Bucko298: I thought you were female
NYCockExchange: I've been dropping hints and hints and hints... I guess you need more patience, experience, and creativity!
NYCockExchange: But... I can make you a man, yet!!
Bucko298: I am absolutely not intersted - especially when I asked directly before
NYCockExchange: Yeah, you were very direct, very manly... that turned me on!!

Bucko298: I only do things consentually - deceit is not a very manly trait - you are a poor excuse
NYCockExchange: I don't take criticism from "men" who try to pick up 13-year-old girls on the internet. Drive through, please.
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