The CIA Traffics Drugs
7 plus 11= Cock in Your Ass
by: Jenny
Posted: 05/27/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 283
The operation of a small time convenience store is a world filled with shame, minimun wage, and plenty of anal rapings. I should know...I have an ex-girlfriend who works at one....
studmanw45: Whats up?
Jenny: Nothing...Horny as Hell!
studmanw45: why are you horny?
Jenny: Because, I just am.
studmanw45: so what do you look like?
Jenny: 5'9", short brown hair, blue eyes, 110 lbs, tan, 36B
studmanw45: cool
studmanw45: you have a pic?
studmanw45: how big a b breasts?
Jenny: 36B
Jenny: Sorry, no pic....
studmanw45: yeah but give me a visual
studmanw45: how big
studmanw45: like a handful
Jenny: Yeah....a little bit more than a handful.
studmanw45: cool
Jenny: You ready to play a little sex scenario with me?
studmanw45: if you want
studmanw45: but i like talking to
studmanw45: so do you like sucking dicks or what?
Jenny: *You walk into a conveniance store......You notice me behind the register....I am looking so hot and sexy. The rest of the store is empty except for my mongaloid brother, who works there as part of an outreach program. He is mopping the floors and drooling at the gay porno mags.*
Jenny: Hello, sir! *I wink at you with a mischevious grin*
studmanw45: how are you today?
Jenny: Pretty good. *I lick my lips* Is there anything I can help you locate today? *I say in a suggestive voice*
studmanw45: yeah im lookinfg for some condoms?
studmanw45: looking
Jenny: Well, then.....I think you will be interested in our special today....The Blowjob Delight.....A special offer good for certain customers...
Jenny: Double coupons do not apply towards this offer. Rainchecks not available
studmanw45: yeah and do you have a special display for them?
studmanw45: can you give me a visual
Jenny: Well....First you must be blindfolded....*I reach under my skirt and pull down my black panties...I tie them around your eyes, blindfolding you.*
studmanw45: hey i cant see
studmanw45: what are you going to do to me?
Jenny: Now, I shall lead you into the special room where the blowjob shall begin.......
studmanw45: umm... are you suppossed to be doing this Miss?
Jenny: Trust me....Your cock shall be in good hands...
studmanw45: are you sure. those are mighty small hands
Jenny: *I grab you by the hand and lead you towards the back.*
studmanw45: ok. im trusting you?
studmanw45: is this going to hurt?
Jenny: Not at all....
studmanw45: ok i feel relieved then!
Jenny: *I lay you down a bed covered with plastic sheets. I remove all of your clothing, one piece at a time.*
studmanw45: starting from where?
studmanw45: what perfume do you have on your panties Miss?
Jenny: Calvin Klein
studmanw45: yum
Jenny: *I grab your hands and tie them across your back....I strap you to the bed, so you cannot escape the untold pleasures that await your.*
studmanw45: But why must you tie me down?
studmanw45: i like to rome free
Jenny: So, I can tease you with a blowjob...then release you so you may fuck me like a tiger!! Grrrrrr!!
studmanw45: ok im ready for you mistress
Jenny: Now....first I am going to have someone skilled in the technique of cocksucking take care of you first....Then I will come back and fuck you.....
studmanw45: why i want you to suck my cock
studmanw45: its not hard
Jenny: This person has been sucking dick for years...You are guaranteed to blow a load, or your next Slurpee is free!
studmanw45: ok, but i still want you though
studmanw45: bring her in
studmanw45: it better be a girl too
Jenny: *You hear the door open and shut, as I walk out and your cock servicer walks in....*
Jenny: 'You must keep the blindfold on though!' you hear me shout as I leave.....'It's a surprise!'
studmanw45: Hello
studmanw45: are you a girl
Jenny: *You feel a rough pair of hands grab onto your cock and slowly start to stroke it....back and forth.*
studmanw45: no
studmanw45: is this a female
Jenny: *You feel the slobbery, moist, wet mouth clumsily glide back and forth on your cock...Large Adam's apple pressing into your soft balls.*
studmanw45: please tell me
studmanw45: damn that shit feels good
studmanw45: who are you?
Jenny: *You hear unintelligle soft mumblings as the cock sucking pauses for a moment....You feel your hand being led....and suddenly you are grasbing a soft, fleshy, hairy, protrusion...
studmanw45: damn!!!
studmanw45: im leaving this joint
Jenny: *You hear a deep, guttoral moan of pleasure....*
studmanw45: whats that noise for?
Jenny: *Suddenly, you feel some movement....You cock is still being sucked on, but now you feel a large, hard, fleshy rod being pushed into your it goes deep down into your throat, you feel you gag reflex take effect as vile comes up into your mouth.*
studmanw45: what fuck is this
studmanw45: your trying to kill me
Jenny: *You feel many strange emotions....pleasure, shame, humiliation......*
studmanw45: stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Jenny: Now, you feel a hard spanking sensation against your ass...*
studmanw45: let me go
Jenny: It is me, hitting your buttocks with a bag of skittles....
studmanw45: please
studmanw45: i just wanted a blow job
studmanw45: no............
Jenny: *You cries are unheard as you feel the hard rod entering and leaving your mouth.........You are unable to scream...Your mind being thrown into a panic....*
studmanw45: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
studmanw45: stop
studmanw45: cant you just suck my dick
Jenny: *You feel your blindfold being ripped off and you look in terror to see, my deformed mongaloid brother in a 69 position with you. His flabby, hairy, chest pressing against you......You look at his hand with five slowly appraoches your nipples and starts to pinch them.*
studmanw45: what the hell are you doing?
Jenny: *You notice my manager, Tony, in the same room with his pants around his ankles....He is holding a camcorder, taping the events....He has the camera in one hand...his cock in the other...*
studmanw45: you people are sick
studmanw45: fuck you
Jenny: *I am now taking a Snickers bar and slowly fucking your ass with it....*
studmanw45: bitch what are you doing
studmanw45: let me go
studmanw45: im leaving
Jenny: 'Let's get to the chwey Nuggett center...' I moan as I try to make the Snicker bar melt inside the warmth of your tight buttocks.
studmanw45: what are you doing
studmanw45: this is to much fore play
Jenny: You feel my retarded brother, Pat, get up and watch him as he grabs his pet hampster, Hank out of the cage.....He puts Hank in the palm of his hand and releases him into your buttocks....*
studmanw45: ohhhhhhhh shitttttttttttt
studmanw45: stop
studmanw45: make them stop Miss
studmanw45: I just want to screw you
Jenny: *You feel Hank the hampster climbing into your anus....Scratching and clawing inside your body.....*
studmanw45: stop it
studmanw45: stupid bitches
studmanw45: lwt me go please
studmanw45: let
Jenny: *You feel the tiny Hampster licking your rectal hole.......You feel a new bond with this very special pet....*
studmanw45: no
studmanw45: lets stop for a second
Jenny: Now, Tony comes in and gets a closeup of this action.......He is jerking so hard now...*
studmanw45: faggot
Jenny: Suddenly, he blows his hot cum load all over your face....
studmanw45: ah you fag
Jenny: You feel the spray of cum suddenly hit you in the face...You are temporarily blinded by the hot jizz that strikes you in the eye.
studmanw45: but then i suddenly break free
Jenny: *Tony and Pat both rub their cum covered crotch areas all over your face.....*
studmanw45: and kick your brother and you managers asses
Jenny: *But it is to no avail, as I take my 13 inch dildo and crack you across the skull with it....You fall to the ground, limp.*
studmanw45: damn
Jenny: Being mighty pissed at your escape attempt, we put a leather gimp outfit on you....*
studmanw45: no
studmanw45: please
studmanw45: i just wanted some milk
Jenny: Next, I bring my old grandad, Pappy, into the room....He is the founder of this family business and hasn't seen a good dick in years...Since the days of Charlie Chaplin.
Jenny: Pappy pulls down his pants and adult diapers and starts rubbing his shriveled cock and balls over your back....
studmanw45: faggots
Jenny: *I take Pappy's adult diaper and rub your face into the Pamper filled with geriatric piss and shit.....also a bit of old man cum is in there too..*
studmanw45: man this sucks
studmanw45: can we stop now
studmanw45: lets play a different role
Jenny: Suddenly, it is a in-store gang bang, as the four of us whip out our dicks and begin to beat you with them...*
studmanw45: stop please
studmanw45: im a cop
studmanw45: i work for the fbi
Jenny: *I put you onto my lap and let you ride my 12 inch woman dick.
Jenny: Officer O'Reilly, the local cop on the beat walks in and looks at the hot action, slack jawed.....
studmanw45: help
Jenny: He takes out his billy club and starts beating your penis with it.......bruising and mangling it.....
studmanw45: this whole area is gay
studmanw45: finally i die and everything is over
Jenny: *The party continues you into the we have a store slumber party...we severe you head and do beer kegstands out of your skull.
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