Choking Chicks and Sodomy.
Glocks, Garters, and Goofiness.
by: Jenny
Posted: 07/29/00         Score: 3.5         Votes: 500
Nothing like some good old fashioned crime and violence. Cyber sex is so much fun!
Chick3Magnet: Hello, would you care to chat?
Jenny: Sure, why not...
Chick3Magnet: I was just reading your turned me on...
Chick3Magnet: Just so you know, I am 18...
Jenny: Neat.
Chick3Magnet: So, I don't know what you want to talk about...but I must say that I have a powerful sex drive...
Jenny: A powerful sex drive? That sounds intimidating!
Chick3Magnet: Are you still 14?
Jenny: Yes...I have not aged any during this conversation.
Chick3Magnet: It is true...I will admit...
Chick3Magnet: I don't know what you would like to do, but I'm up for anything you are...
Chick3Magnet: Sure, why not?
Chick3Magnet: What did you have in mind?
Jenny: A hot cyber fucking fantasy of mine....
Chick3Magnet: Sure, why not?
Chick3Magnet: Do you have a picture?
Jenny: Okay...get the powerful sex drive rearing to go...Cause the fun is about to start!
Chick3Magnet: The sex drive is up...sounds good to me...
Jenny: is the fantasy:
Chick3Magnet: Go for it...
Jenny: We are shopping for some sexy lingerie at Victoria's Secret....
Chick3Magnet: Yes...
Jenny: So, what would you like me to try on next dear? *I say in an alluring voice*
Chick3Magnet: I think a nice teddy would be good...
Jenny: What color baby?
Chick3Magnet: By the way...if you don't mind me asking...what are your measurements?
Jenny: 36-32-30
Chick3Magnet: I think a pink one would be very nice...
Chick3Magnet: Bra size?
Jenny: Okay hun....I grab the pink teddy off the rack..
Jenny: 36B
Jenny: What the Hell?
Chick3Magnet: What?
Chick3Magnet: Did I do something?
Jenny: This teddy was made in Japan!!
Chick3Magnet: Oh...that's not good, is it?
Jenny: What do those gooks know about making lingerie!!!
Chick3Magnet: Tell me about it...
Jenny: Those fuckers need to stick to making electronic equipment!
Chick3Magnet: Yes they do...
Jenny: This shit makes me so mad!!! *I start stripping off my clothes in the middle of the store, out of anger*
Chick3Magnet: Hey hey, calm down...
Jenny: Calm down!! I'll show you calm down!!
Jenny: *I take a coat hanger and start beating the Japanese sales girl with it*
Chick3Magnet: Baby, its ok...I'd rather see you naked anyway...
Jenny: *I rake the coat hanger across her face, gashing it open.....As the wounds bleed profusely, I spit at her*
Chick3Magnet: Its ok...
Jenny: *I rub my tittes all over my spittle on her face.....Then I squat over her and begin to piss on her*
Chick3Magnet: Yes....
Jenny: *2 Mall security guards rush into the store, armed with billy clubs......I distract them by starting to rub my groin into yours*
Chick3Magnet: I'm getting hard...there and here...
Jenny: *As the watch our erotic dance with fascination....I pull out a 9 mm out of my handbag and shoot both of them between the eyes...They crumble to the floor dead.*
Chick3Magnet: This is quite the fantasy...
Jenny: *I jump behind the counter and pull the cash register out...I pour the money into a Victoria's Secret bag.....I shoot out the secuirty cameras and throw the bag to you.*
Chick3Magnet: I guess I'll run out of there...
Jenny: *I point the gun to your head, taking you as a hostage..We walk slowly out of the store*
Jenny: *The mall is filled with cops and a SWAT team...they have snipers training their guns at me....I use you as a human shield.*
Chick3Magnet: Thanks very much...
Jenny: "You'll never take me alive you motherfuckers!!!" I scream, waving my gun around.
Jenny: *To show I mean business, I shoot you in the leg....Then I randomly fire some shots into the air.*
Chick3Magnet: Where exactly did the sex part come in?
Jenny: *Then I recognize one of the police officers...It's Susan...I went to High School with her.*
Jenny: *We ended up wearing the same dress at Homecoming....I hate that bitch!!*
Chick3Magnet: Jenny, this isn't quite what I had expected...
Jenny: *I start firing away at Susan.....I blow off her right shoulder.*
Chick3Magnet: That's great...
Jenny: *Susan fires back, but misses and shoots you in the groin....You scream in agony as your genitals are horribly wounded.*
Chick3Magnet: Ok...I think I have to go now...
Jenny: *Since you are useless as a sex boy toy now, I point the gun at the back of your head, and shoot you....Your head explodes in a brilliant fury of gore and brains.*
Chick3Magnet: No wonder your warning level is so high...bye...
Jenny: *I grab a green bra off the rack, and tie your limp, dead body to the front of me....Using your corpse as a shield to any bullets....I give one last kiss into your open cranium.*

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