Jenny: Yes, I like to get the day started off early....especially on the right foot.
grega52: ol
grega52: what are you doing any good mail?
grega52: ?
Jenny: No, just looking for some hot Internet studs to satisfy my carnal urges.
grega52: lol your always crazy wild
grega52: very funny too
grega52: yoru gonna be uncontrolable when you get yoru lisense
grega52: woops sorry cna't spell in the morn
Jenny: Yeah, that's me...Crazy wild, just like the great comedian Jerry Lewis.
Jenny: Yes....My license to suck cock....
grega52: he wasn't exactly great somewhat funny maybe

grega52: actually he was crazy
grega52: wish you wre here right now yoru in a perfect mood
Jenny: Yeah, he was one crazy mo' fo'.......I'd still bone him though.
Jenny: Oh really, sailor? Well, Casanova, what would you do if I was there?
grega52: hey send me a picture
Jenny: I do not have a picture.
grega52: what woudl I do well yoru all cokc hungry I might just have to take it out so you could see it first
grega52: then whatever you wnat me to do I'm donw for anythign at all anytime
Jenny: Yes, I like to take a gander at a cock before I decide to pleasure it. I might bring my camera so I could do some still photography as well. I'm starting to work on a coffee table book called 'The Smallest Cocks in America'.
grega52: lol well ... I'm alrihgt if you go by cosmo
grega52: but I'm sure everyone lies for that thign anyways
grega52: but eight is above average
grega52: although its not so much the length I am excited about more the width
Jenny: You would do anything for me? Well, would you take a beer bottle, break it on the ground, then take the sharp shards and grind them into my asshole? I have a hot fantasy about my anal cavity being violated with sharp glass...
Jenny: Ah, so the length of a man's cock doesn't excite's the width! Well, I guess I am in luck then!
grega52: well first of all because I am not gay lol
grega52: no I dont' think I could do that for you hunney
grega52: anythign involving yoru sweet lil asshole and anypart of me though so fine with
Jenny: Fantastic! You're romantic prose is getting me all hot and bothered! Not since Thorton Wilders' play "Our Town' has my pussy gotten so wet!

grega52: yoru making me smile so early in hte morning I like you
grega52: yoru sweet
Jenny: I'm glad my slutty nature and sensibilites can bring rays of sunshine into your life....That's what I live for....making lonely, pale, overweight men happy.
grega52: actually I'm a 20 year old guy in shape and fun to talk to sorry to bust yoru fun sweetie
grega52: its just I like yoru wit yoru not a dumb little girl
Jenny: Yes, I am a witty girl with a rampant libido. I scream out sarcastic observations about the little things in life while getting fucked in the ass by one of my many sugar daddies.....It's a good, clean life.
grega52: i want to get tht blow job you talk so highly about ...
grega52: i love to have a mouthful of pussy
grega52: nicer when its shaved and clean
Jenny: Yes, I talk very highly about my blow jobs....That's becuase I GUARANTEE satisfaction. If you are not fully satisfied with your blowjob, I shall return your cum to you, with no further financial obligation on your part.
grega52: lol no thanks
Jenny: So, why don't you pull down your pants and let me show you why my clients call me the best in the business....The business of being a horny Internet slut.
grega52: I'm sure if you mkae me come which is harder than you woudl think ... I just like it so much i love it to last a while ... I am sure I woudl letyou keep it
grega52: i need to read yoru profile I need soem stats here
Jenny: *gasp* You mean....You would let me keep your cum!!! That's it....I'm bringing you home to Mom!!!
Jenny: 5'9", short brown hair, blue eyes, 110 lbs, 36 B, tan.
grega52: in other words perfect
grega52: I'm still checking age and stuff
Jenny: 14 f Wisconsin.
grega52: lol
grega52: you are wild arent' you
Jenny: more ways than one!

grega52: i feel so naughty cause my cock is about eight inches long now and almost as wide as it gets
grega52: sticking right out the top of the crazy boxers i am wearing
grega52: what areyou wearing this lovely morning?
Jenny: Ah, so your cock is playing a little peek-a-boo? How adorable! You paint such a picture of intrigue and sensuality.....
Jenny: Not a stitch of clothing, that's for sure!

grega52: i bet with a chest that size you have a good chance at licking yoru own nipples
grega52: ne of my favorite things ... well me licking that is
grega52: its more of a suck and flick of the tongue really
grega52: at least for me
grega52: everyone is different I am sure
Jenny: Yeah, I like to put artifical jellys and butter on them.....and then just lick them clean dry! It's kind of a wacky, zany, breakfast game I play.
Jenny: So, you want to bone or what? All this small talk is giving me a headache.
grega52: sorry fo rthat ... the only thing is tht I am no where ner on the level you are at leat on the net I'm more of a in person kind of person
grega52: but I woudl love to see what you speak so highly of
grega52: since my cokc is pretty much already lubricated with the precum jelly that makes it so easy to slide inside
grega52: I'm dreaming of that cute lil ass you must have
grega52: i wihs I hd an idea of how nice tha twas cause yoru tits are fucking huge
grega52: i lost you didn't I?
Jenny: You, sir, are the king of Internet erotica......Not many men have such a descriptive nature as yours.
grega52: well my balls are starting to tingel with visions of you giving me that dream blowjob
Jenny: No, baby, I am still here....Thinking about how I would like to make a precum jelly sandwich. Just like Mom used to make for me. She would throw it in a paper bag for my school lunch, and then I would be off on my way for some good learning and dirty fun.
grega52: one of the best thigns about me besides just beign a cutie is my lips nice adn big not too big but big enough to hum at yrou pussey lips nd really make it vibrate until orgasm
grega52: although I do like to slide my tongue as far in as I cna while doign that just to play with yoru inside
Jenny: Hum on my pussy lips? That's a fantastic idea! I'd love for a man to play some showtunes, using my pussy! Can you do some Gershwin on my hot little cunt!
grega52: i cna feel my cock twitching it want s me to I knwo it does
grega52: see sometimes I jsut think i have two brains
grega52: so yes is my answer
grega52: as long as I get a timeout to flick yoru clit wiht my tongue and slide a few fingers inside trying my lil bestest to find yoru g spot
Jenny: And you would make me vibrate as well!!!! This has got to be too good to be true! Okay, play some 'Oklahoma' on my hot snatch while singing and prancing about.....we can work on blocking the scene later. While you do that, I will vibrate and go into violent convulsions.
grega52: wiht my left hadn raised to one breast twirling yrou hard nipples with the tips of my soft fingers
grega52: don't forget how much I woudl love to have yoru tits cupped in aat leat one hadn if the other one is tied up sliding in and out ever so slowly
Jenny: Your cock is twitching? Is that a nervous disorder? Or maybe just some stage fright? Don't be so nervous...I know it's opening night, but just remember what you learned from some method acting. And sing your heart out on my pussy, dammit!!
grega52: damit you might as well just sit on my face
grega52: so i cna just go at it a little better look what I have to work with here
grega52: nad no twitchign cause thers a lot of blood pumping into it I'm really hard Jen
Jenny: Okay, I'll sit on your face and let my hard cock slide down your fine, musically tuned throat......Then we can do some 'Greased Lighting!'

grega52: i didn't know yoiu had a cock
grega52: thats just gonna set me back a bit here
Jenny: *singing while shoving my cock down your throat* Go Grease Lightning! Go Grease Lightning!
grega52: fuck that sorry
grega52: not into that scene
Jenny: *tapping foot impatiently* C'mon Grega 52.....This is art! Work with me here!
grega52: naw I'm gonna have to bounce
grega52: whoever you are
Jenny: Fine, you sassy bitch....You'll never get into the SAG now.
grega52: whatever that is you are a unusual dude
Jenny: C'mon, just let me rape you ass one time.....It's called the casting couch. If you let me cum all up in your ass, I promise you'll get one of the lead roles in my next production of 'Rent'!
grega52: so how old are you?
grega52: and what is yoru name?
Jenny: Or...we can just say we are doing some method acting exercises. Like, the fact that I am raping you with my raging cock represents a violent anal raping.
Jenny: Jenny....14....
grega52: lol sure sure
grega52: i believe that
grega52: almost
Jenny: You know, you remind me of a young Ben Vereen......
grega52: glad to hear it
grega52: not familiar
grega52: nothign against the alternate lifstyle just not into it myself
Jenny: *slowly pulling down your pants* We'll take this nice and slow....You kids from Julliard are so soft....
grega52: lol whoever you are yoru one wild person
Jenny: *I take my hard, throbbing, cock and ram it into your anal cavity.....I begin to pump and fuck you with a fierce intensity....*
grega52: one step away form block and I really hate to block people
grega52: actually never have before
Jenny: *I am still ramming you in the ass as the curtain rises....The audience begins to applaud wildly as I am still violating your young, tender, starving artist butthole.....*.
grega52: gonna play straight or are you gonna play don't wnat to use and offensive word
grega52: alright later
Jenny: As I cum, I pull out and spray my love jism all over the audience....Not since 'Death of a Salesman' has a theatrical event touch so many people.....
grega52: alright death of a sales man was the best play ever
grega52: americna tradgedy
grega52: please dont refer to that wiht me and my poor virgin asshole
Jenny: *I wipe my hot cock all over your back*.....Okay, I will be Willy and you be Happy.....
grega52: hey it coudl of been fun
grega52: you coudl of talked about sucing my cock or me fucking yourasshole and I wouldn't of known
grega52: but no you had to get all gay
Jenny: And let's throw away the scripts and improvise.....Our character motivation? We are really gay. What do you want out of the scene? You want to suck my cock......Start...
grega52: hey whatever floats yoru bouat I'm just dissapointed that John Malkavic and dustin hoffman wre jsut taken advantage of
grega52: i definatley don't ever want a cock in my mouth
grega52: I'm curious you don't hav to give me a name but hwo old are you?
Jenny: *I slide my hot cock into your mouth...Feeling your saliva drip onto it*
Jenny: *I grab the back of your head and force you to suck on my director's guild pole.....*
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