Jenny9956: Hi!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: wassshup babe?
Jenny9956: Are you really a certified medic?
Jenny9956: Not much. I am very horny.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: hehee.. would u like to moan for meee?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: i wanna jack off
Jenny9956: I will give you some hot horny cyber!

DrNkNxTiGeR2: aww.. no phone call?
Jenny9956: Fuck no.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: how come?
Jenny9956: Because I don't want to call you....and I don't want you calling me.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: =(
DrNkNxTiGeR2: where r u from ?
Jenny9956: Wisconsin
DrNkNxTiGeR2: ohhh..
DrNkNxTiGeR2: so tell meeh how u look like
Jenny9956: 5'9", 110 lbs, blue eyes, short brown hair, tan
DrNkNxTiGeR2: woww... ur onlee 14?
Jenny9956: Yup!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: hehee.. ur alreadi so fioneee
Jenny9956: Sweet talker!

DrNkNxTiGeR2: nooo... just speakin out da truth..
DrNkNxTiGeR2: heheh
DrNkNxTiGeR2: can i ask ur bra size?
Jenny9956: 36B
DrNkNxTiGeR2: kool
DrNkNxTiGeR2: how do u dress?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: babee?
Jenny9956: Can we fuck now?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: hehee.. whenevah u wanna
Jenny9956: Okay....let's pretend that you are my doctor and you are giving me my physcial.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: hehe ok..
Jenny9956: Hi Doc! I am here for my physical!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: okayy... just sit down on that chair...
Jenny9956: *I sit down in the chair* All my friends recommended you!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: well.. im the best
DrNkNxTiGeR2: shh.. dun tell anyone diss.. but wat do i do now?
Jenny9956: Really? I hear you aren't even certified to prescribe medicine.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: well.. i just enjoy the patients...
DrNkNxTiGeR2: well.. since itz a physical.. i must examine ur body..
Jenny9956: You aren't Dr. Giggles are you?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: take ur clothes off.. n lets get started..
Jenny9956: Okay....*I take off my clothes.*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: wat did u want examined?
Jenny9956: Well, doctor....I imagine you notice my extreme weight loss and the syringe marks that scar my body.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: yess.. u seem to hab very big breasts for someone so small... *touchs them.. lil squeez*
Jenny9956: Remember when you got me hooked on heroin? Well, it has led to bigger things.....Crack...Boom...Smack.
Jenny9956: Yeah....I do have big boobs. You were the one who did my implants.
Jenny9956: Do you like squeezing my boobs doc? Does that get you off?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: yes.. they are very nice
Jenny9956: Feel all you want doc.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: *sQuEezz* does dat feeel good?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: mmm.. they taste goooood
Jenny9956: I was just thinking about how you supplied my brother with steroids. How I found his naked body in the living room...penis shriveled....shit laying on the floor....
Jenny9956: *I play with your hair as you suck my firm nipples.*
Jenny9956: Mmmmm....
DrNkNxTiGeR2: *goes down... spreads ur legs* its looks very nice n tite
Jenny9956: I'm glad that you are enjoying my chemically poisoned body....You helped to create it....I've lost a lot of weight, because of you.
Jenny9956: You like my hot little pussy?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: *LICKKKKK*.. mMMmm tastess soo gooood
DrNkNxTiGeR2: i wonder how it feels like....
Jenny9956: I'm glad it tastes so good......I'll never be able to bear children with all of the drugs that flow through my veins....
Jenny9956: My pussy is so hot and wet....
DrNkNxTiGeR2: yesss.. u look very healthy to me
Jenny9956: Doctor, I won't lie to you....I have come here for a reason....
DrNkNxTiGeR2: *locks door* how bout now for a lil personal business?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: wat is it?
Jenny9956: Are you ready to play the counting game?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: wats dat?
Jenny9956: Counting these shells, you druggie fuck!!! *I whip out a sawed off shotgun from under the chair*
Jenny9956: *I pull the trigger and blow off both of your kneecaps*
Jenny9956: You think you could murder my brother and ruin my fucking life and get away with it?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: wat???
DrNkNxTiGeR2: ur brother??
DrNkNxTiGeR2: u hab a brother??
Jenny9956: Bitch, don't play stupid!! This is motherfucking vigilante justice!!! *I shoot again at your right kneecap, severing your foot*
Jenny9956: *I rip off your clothes.*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: =0
DrNkNxTiGeR2: wat do u think ur doing??
Jenny9956: Now, you're going to feel what my brother felt......You Doogie Howser deviant fuck! *I jam a syringe into your penis and inject a numbing drug*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: dunt do thidd
DrNkNxTiGeR2: thiss
Jenny9956: And I had a little surgery!! My brother will feel his revenge as well!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: i dunt knoe ur brother
Jenny9956: I had his penis surgically implanted onto me!
Jenny9956: *I whip out my brother's on my body....*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: ewww
DrNkNxTiGeR2: dats nastee
Jenny9956: *I bend you over and anally rape you.*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: *rips dat cock off*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: bitch get away from meee *sLAPP*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: throws her down... whips out my dick...
DrNkNxTiGeR2: diss is how u fuck
DrNkNxTiGeR2: in ur wet hot pusssy
Jenny9956: *I jam the shotgun into your ass and pull the trigger....*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: in n outt... deeper n harderrr
Jenny9956: *I take my brother's cock and shove it down your throat.*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: well im dead now den...
DrNkNxTiGeR2: =P
DrNkNxTiGeR2: so violent.. hehehe
Jenny9956: *I continually rape your dead body......Rage running through my body*
Jenny9956: *I take samples of your blood and let them flow down my throat.*
Jenny9956: I am eating you alive!!!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: can u stop?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: hehhee
DrNkNxTiGeR2: please?
Jenny9956: *I take a scalpel and severe your hard cock. I grab some crack and use it for my pipe.*
DrNkNxTiGeR2: eww..
Jenny9956: *Within months, the new fad of cock crack pipes is the newest thing on the streets.*
Jenny9956: Yeah, you bed for mercy you rat soup eating, no businees barring, junkyard motha fucka!!
DrNkNxTiGeR2: yeaa.. STOP
DrNkNxTiGeR2: cuz i didn kill ur brother... it wuz ur FATHER!!!
Jenny9956: *Suddenly the door bursts open and my brother's rotting corpse stumbles into the room.*
Jenny9956: I want my penis back!! he mumbles in a gargles zombie voice.
Jenny9956: He instantly recognizes you and shambles over to you.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: so wat r u wearing rite now babee?
Jenny9956: Blue jeans, flannel shirt, baseball cap.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: koool
DrNkNxTiGeR2: hehee.. so kyoote
DrNkNxTiGeR2: u like violent things huh?
Jenny9956: makes my cock hard.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: uhhh... cock???
Jenny9956: piece...
DrNkNxTiGeR2: uhhhhh
DrNkNxTiGeR2: arent u a gurl?
Jenny9956: Can we go back to the doctor fantasy? My zombie brother still has to fuck you.
Jenny9956: Sorry, I'm just a huge George Romero fan.
DrNkNxTiGeR2: ur a girl rite?
Jenny9956: I just said that I have a cock, dick, and piece.......Why are you having trouble putting together this puzzle?
DrNkNxTiGeR2: whos sn r u on???
Jenny9956: are just too fucking stupid. This has ceased to be fun.
Jenny9956: My brain is growing softer at each horribly misspelled word you utter.
Jenny9956: MY COCK!!! How mother fucking blunt do I have to be?
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