Official Website of the Colorado Department of Corrections
Fuck Zee Azz
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 05/02/00         Score: 1.3         Votes: 148
Transylvanian pedo-love. By Phire12f.
Hardy BoyZ 20245: hi
cumlover12f: hello
Hardy BoyZ 20245: wassup?
cumlover12f: nossssing
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok...
cumlover12f: shall ve have ze sex? yes?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok
cumlover12f: i vant to zuck your deeeek
Hardy BoyZ 20245: damn you are young
cumlover12f: drop ze pantz so i may zuck your hard meeeember
Hardy BoyZ 20245: dont u think youre a little bit young
cumlover12f: not at aeeell i zink i em purfect
Hardy BoyZ 20245: 12
Hardy BoyZ 20245: im 15
cumlover12f: yyez, izant it puuurfect? shall ve fuck? yes?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: im 15....
cumlover12f: i no honi i no, i dont miiind.....let uz fuck
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok
cumlover12f: i vant to suck your blud, let you fuck my azzz
Hardy BoyZ 20245: where do u live
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ?
cumlover12f: i leev in tranzlivania
Hardy BoyZ 20245: what
Hardy BoyZ 20245: where the hell iz that
cumlover12f: itz in urop
cumlover12f: i leev in Urop
Hardy BoyZ 20245: then y u talkin 2 me
cumlover12f: let uz fuck now? yes? let me drink your blud? no?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: if u wwant
cumlover12f: yez i vant to
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok
cumlover12f: i vant ur azz
cumlover12f: i want your deeek
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok
cumlover12f: ben dover yez? let me peeeneeeetrate you?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok
cumlover12f: let me fuk u azz? teeeeh me englick?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: speak right or 4ever hold your peace
cumlover12f: i ben u ober, you struuuugle, i fuk you tight azz
cumlover12f: you lobe it, we fuk
Hardy BoyZ 20245: speak right then
cumlover12f: i cub in you azz, you lobe it yezz?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: how bout we just do it the romantik way
cumlover12f: you let me drink you blud? we fuk? i cut of your hed and fuk it yezz?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ?
cumlover12f: i swizh my cape around? fuk you skull? lobe your body?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: how bout i just bend your ugly ass over, fuck you, then drop your ass in back of a dumpster, unless you wanna do it the romantik way
cumlover12f: i teeeh you tranzvania languwich?
cumlover12f: we tawk?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok
cumlover12f: we fuk good? i rip out inteztines and eat zem?
cumlover12f: i drink your blud? we go and ve get marrid?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok slut
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ill get married
cumlover12f: yezzz good buy, i bend you ober, i cut your troat? i screw ur twitchin budy?
cumlover12f: i vip out my huge cock? i sodomiz you vile you vigle?

Hardy BoyZ 20245: slzfukinut
cumlover12f: i lobe it ven you viggle and squyrm
Hardy BoyZ 20245: hey baby please talk to me in english
cumlover12f: i only know zees transvania speak yez? you learn?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: please speak right
cumlover12f: i take zees cock, i fuck you? i take your ballz off and make you eat zem?
cumlover12f: you tink yummy
cumlover12f: you smile yez?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok your being a bitch
cumlover12f: yez i call you beech
cumlover12f: i fuck you ike tree beech?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: why cant you be sweet and romantik
cumlover12f: i fuck you with my cock yes? i fuk you? i take off your head? i keep it in my fridge?
cumlover12f: i am zeee 9 inches, you are how long?
Hardy BoyZ 20245: the only way you would be fuking me iz you french kissing me
cumlover12f: you freeen my cock? you kizz it? you leeek it?
cumlover12f: i loobe you ven you leeek eeet
Hardy BoyZ 20245: ok bye
cumlover12f: i love it ven you preten to not unner stan
cumlover12f: you play hhhar to geeeet
Hardy BoyZ 20245: .......
cumlover12f: i lobe when you are purty, in your leeteel drez
cumlover12f: i fuk zee little geeerls
Hardy BoyZ 20245: i hate slutz
cumlover12f: i call it zee "baating" you know zees? "baating"?
cumlover12f: i love zees "baating" i talk to zees stupeed fukerz and zey sink i am child yes? zey want to fuuuk me?
cumlover12f: zo i preten like i am veird, try to get zees fukerz to lick my cock yes?
cumlover12f: i enjoy it lotz
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