Feces: For All Occasions
Baby Killer
by: Tiny Little Love
Posted: 02/14/00         Score: 3.5         Votes: 500
A long one. Apperently beating someone's penis into a bloody mess is not offensive in India.
jimmey1212: HI SUZY
Tiny Little Love: are you an indian?
jimmey1212: YES
jimmey1212: A/S/L PLS
Tiny Little Love: 12/f/ca/turnyourfuckingcapslockoffbitch
jimmey1212: 18 M INDIAN
Tiny Little Love: k
jimmey1212: HOW R U PUSSYS
jimmey1212: HAIRY OR SHAVED
jimmey1212: TIGHTOR LOSS
Tiny Little Love: umm no hair, no shave, turnyourcapslockoffmotherfucker
jimmey1212: ok fine
Tiny Little Love: yay! and my mommy told me that you all were inferior, she was wrong!
jimmey1212: bo u have ever experience sexbefore
Tiny Little Love: i do NOT have BO, i shower have BO, you smell like garlic and shit
jimmey1212: ur pussys have become loss
Tiny Little Love: you are sexy
Tiny Little Love: are you putting your third-world body all over mine yet?
jimmey1212: yes
jimmey1212: a/s/l pls
Tiny Little Love: 12/f/ca for the second time you damn 7-11 chump
jimmey1212: ok fine
jimmey1212: let's cont--------
jimmey1212: @
Tiny Little Love: AHHHH im scared
jimmey1212: fine
jimmey1212: what's u boobs size honey
Tiny Little Love: 56.99
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: ur pussys r shaved
Tiny Little Love: yes, all of my pussys have been shaved, they are all waiting for your cocks to go in
jimmey1212: r u getting blood out of u pussys uring monthly periods
jimmey1212: fine
Tiny Little Love: i only blood when i put knives in there
jimmey1212: do one think open ur skirt now
Tiny Little Love: sure?
jimmey1212: oop
jimmey1212: have u open up
jimmey1212: y/n
Tiny Little Love: my mouth is open
jimmey1212: yeep
jimmey1212: now imafine that my dick u r suckking
Tiny Little Love: wow, i like inflamed penises, you are sexy
jimmey1212: now move ur hands around ur pussys slowly
jimmey1212: yaap
Tiny Little Love: but i only have 2 hands!
Tiny Little Love: i cant touch all my pussys
jimmey1212: with one hand suck my cock
jimmey1212: and other
jimmey1212: move around ur pussys slowely
Tiny Little Love: my hand is sucking your cock and my mouth is giving you the finger
jimmey1212: no
Tiny Little Love: what?
jimmey1212: suck my cock with u mouth and move ur hands around ur pussys slowely
jimmey1212: now put u 1 finger wet finger in u pussys
jimmey1212: say y/n
Tiny Little Love: my mouth is on your cock, my left hand is on my middle pussy, my right hand is on my bottom pussy, but what about the other 2?
jimmey1212: i said put u one finger inside u pussys
Tiny Little Love: ok
jimmey1212: and move it upwards
jimmey1212: just do what i saied
Tiny Little Love: ok i am moving into my bellybutton you are HOT
jimmey1212: have u put u finger
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: r u there
Tiny Little Love: yes
jimmey1212: be fast
Tiny Little Love: ok fuck me
Tiny Little Love: fuck me more
Tiny Little Love: oh yes baby
Tiny Little Love: i am so hot
Tiny Little Love: you are the best
Tiny Little Love: is this fast enough?
Tiny Little Love: hello?
jimmey1212: close u eyes
Tiny Little Love: ok
jimmey1212: just imagine these
jimmey1212: keep y both legs on my shoulders
Tiny Little Love: awpijadnaaap['
jimmey1212: and imagine that now i am starting fuckking u slowely
Tiny Little Love: awihasind ldlsfpaj asldkwo
jimmey1212: how do u feel
Tiny Little Love: masidaopiasdahateklasdjiaindiansla;ksd
jimmey1212: honey
jimmey1212: what's that
jimmey1212: open u eyes
jimmey1212: honey
Tiny Little Love: how can i see you asking me to open my eyes if they are closed?
jimmey1212: now open it and imagine that i am fuckking u slowely
jimmey1212: how do u feel
Tiny Little Love: sticky
jimmey1212: do i fuck u a little fast
jimmey1212: why stick
jimmey1212: honey
Tiny Little Love: honey is very is duct tape...mmmmmm duct tape
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: fine now i am fuckking u faster
Tiny Little Love: mmmmm indians are probably one of the sexiest third-world races ever
jimmey1212: thanks
jimmey1212: do i fuch u much faster
Tiny Little Love: not like those ugly "american" ones
jimmey1212: ok fine
Tiny Little Love: FUCH ME HARD BABY
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: now my cock is inside ur pussys how r u feeling
Tiny Little Love: mm i feel like a slurpee
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: and a super-big-gulp...mmmm
jimmey1212: now wait a minute otherwise chick will come out of my penis so suck again but ha4rder these time
jimmey1212: r u suckking it
Tiny Little Love: there is nothing more sexy when you are fucking a guy and right as your are about to cum, another human being is shot out of his penis
Tiny Little Love: yes sucky suck
jimmey1212: suck harder suck honey harder
Tiny Little Love: i am sucking like an industrial shop vac...your penis is being torn from your torso
jimmey1212: be fast pls i cannot control myself
jimmey1212: now stop suckking
Tiny Little Love: ok done
jimmey1212: now i will suck ur pussys
Tiny Little Love: yes, suck them all
jimmey1212: when my penis is going in u pussy i pains me lots
Tiny Little Love: dont suck the one with the green pus coming out, i think there is something wrong with that one
Tiny Little Love: this conversation pains *me* a lot
jimmey1212: ehat's wrong
Tiny Little Love: i love you
jimmey1212: i love u too honey
jimmey1212: keep u legs on my shoulder
jimmey1212: now i am starting to suck u pussy
Tiny Little Love: mmm
jimmey1212: my taung is going inside ur pussys
jimmey1212: how do u feel honey
jimmey1212: r u satisfied or i still suck ur pussys
Tiny Little Love: i feel the immense pleasure that can only be that of another persons "taung" in my vagina
jimmey1212: yes
Tiny Little Love: suck more
jimmey1212: can i contin suckking
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: just tell how r u felling
Tiny Little Love: and pour your slurpee on my breasts
jimmey1212: honey
Tiny Little Love: i am feeling super hot
jimmey1212: no i will sucks ur nippls
Tiny Little Love: mmm
jimmey1212: can i press ur boobs
Tiny Little Love: please press on them
jimmey1212: ok i am now pressing harder
Tiny Little Love: until my chest cavity caves in under your strong, indian, inferior arms
jimmey1212: and suckking ur napples
jimmey1212: there is no tast in ur nipple honey
Tiny Little Love: i love napal, is beautiful there
jimmey1212: i am not talking of napal i am talking of nipples
Tiny Little Love: if you push hard enough, you may taste blood, or lung
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: now u suck my cock and mine while i am pressing ur nipples harder
jimmey1212: & now u ask me how to do all that
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: hney
Tiny Little Love: i am sucking your cock, and your other cock, you are sexy
jimmey1212: fine
Tiny Little Love: super-fine
jimmey1212: suck it from top to bottom
Tiny Little Love: like cherry wine
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: i cannot control myself now
Tiny Little Love: i am sucking on the top
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: now I am sucking on your bottom
Tiny Little Love: i love bottom
jimmey1212: fine
jimmey1212: suck harder weety
jimmey1212: sweety
Tiny Little Love: squeeze some of that indian love pudding from your bottom into my mouth
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: im sucking as hard as I can
jimmey1212: now i am again fuckking u
jimmey1212: can i start
Tiny Little Love: yes
jimmey1212: now u do it to me
Tiny Little Love: i am kissing you on the mouth and letting you have some of your love pudding too
Tiny Little Love: do you like it?
jimmey1212: i am just sitting up site opver me
jimmey1212: yes
Tiny Little Love: are you setting up a web site for me?
jimmey1212: i dont like u kiss move ur toung inside my mouth
jimmey1212: now start fuckking
Tiny Little Love: ok i am swirling my tounge in your mouth
jimmey1212: slowely
jimmey1212: honey
jimmey1212: it's paining
Tiny Little Love: we are now making a delicious mixture of our saliva and your feces
Tiny Little Love: you are hot
Tiny Little Love: are you painting now?
jimmey1212: u too
jimmey1212: sweety
jimmey1212: now move upwars and downwars faster
jimmey1212: so that my cock is inside ur pussys
Tiny Little Love: ok your cock is in my pussy now
jimmey1212: is it fullly inside
Tiny Little Love: yes, its all the way in, its floating inside my womb now
jimmey1212: ok do harder honey
Tiny Little Love: umm ok im doing it harder now
jimmey1212: more harder
jimmey1212: more and more
Tiny Little Love: jesus, i am doing it as fucking hard as I can....stop pressuring me
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: more harder
jimmey1212: more
Tiny Little Love: holy shit i am you fucker
jimmey1212: yes
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: ok WHAT?
jimmey1212: r u satisfied now
Tiny Little Love: not really
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: i want you to shit all over my body
jimmey1212: now change position
Tiny Little Love: ok
jimmey1212: now u tell how shat i sit
Tiny Little Love: you already shat on me?
Tiny Little Love: i dont remember that
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: now stand up
Tiny Little Love: ok
jimmey1212: and put ur one leg on my shoulder
jimmey1212: now i m starting agian
Tiny Little Love: ok, i sever my leg at the hip and hang it over your shoulder
jimmey1212: slowely ot harder like train
Tiny Little Love: the blood is getting all over the floor
jimmey1212: ok fine
Tiny Little Love: i am starting to loose conciousnes
jimmey1212: but lets' cont-------
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: now with in short time my check will come out
jimmey1212: wait honey for a minute and stay where u r
Tiny Little Love: yes, please, dont worry about the fact that a liter of my blood is all over your nasty indian apartment...keep violating me until i am nothing more than a 12 year old corpse with a severed leg
Tiny Little Love: your check will come out?
jimmey1212: no
Tiny Little Love: thats what you said
jimmey1212: it will come out honey
Tiny Little Love: what the hell does that mean?
jimmey1212: i am fucking u harder now
jimmey1212: do u want more harder
Tiny Little Love: do you think i am some kind of fucking prostitute and that you can pay me for not helping me while I bleed all over the place?
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: i am sorry
Tiny Little Love: thats NOT an answer
jimmey1212: i cannot control my self
jimmey1212: so i was oing so
jimmey1212: doing so
jimmey1212: sorry honey
jimmey1212: now i am moving my hands so that check can come out
Tiny Little Love: ok, so now I am lying on the floor, blood is spurting 20 feet in the air from where my leg used to be attached to my body so what now?
jimmey1212: r u there
Tiny Little Love: what check are you talking about?
Tiny Little Love: why are you writing me a check?
jimmey1212: open ur mouth no not a check its cheak
Tiny Little Love: we are NOT in your 7-11 store right now, checks dont work here
jimmey1212: ehat's that honey
jimmey1212: anything wrong
Tiny Little Love: so my cheek is coming out? what the hell is that?
jimmey1212: water is coming out of my penis
Tiny Little Love: moses? is that you?
Tiny Little Love: how did you manage to get water to come out of your penis?
jimmey1212: i does not means that water its white thick water
jimmey1212: try to understand me
Tiny Little Love: water is not white
Tiny Little Love: water is not thick
jimmey1212: it is a cheak
jimmey1212: honey
Tiny Little Love: a check? i dont want your money
jimmey1212: sorry not a cheak its cheek
jimmey1212: do u understand that
Tiny Little Love: ok, let me get this right, there is a cheek coming out of your penis?
jimmey1212: yes
jimmey1212: here r u
Tiny Little Love: how is that possible?
jimmey1212: now i am dropping it on the floor
jimmey1212: u dont understan
Tiny Little Love: ok, now there is a human cheek on the floor...whatever the fuck that means
Tiny Little Love: OH maybe its from my baby!
jimmey1212: after fuckking when men reach osams the thing which comes out of penis
jimmey1212: is called as cheeks
Tiny Little Love: yea, your big fat third-world cock destroyed the bundle of joy that was in my uterus and now my dead baby's cheek was on the end of your penis, now my dead baby's cheek is on the floor
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: you are so romantic!
jimmey1212: we shall do it again
jimmey1212: after some time
Tiny Little Love: umm you already killed my baby
jimmey1212: can i suck ur pussys again
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: yes, please suck whats left of my life out of my vagina
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: dont choke on a baby foot or anything
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: now i am suckking ur boobs
jimmey1212: how r u feeling
Tiny Little Love: i wouldnt want you to choke and die....after all, you killed all I had left in this world
Tiny Little Love: pretty fucking depressed at the moment, my baby is DEAD
jimmey1212: honey we will do it again after some time
Tiny Little Love: you will kill my baby again?
jimmey1212: dont' spoil the sweet sex that we r doing now pls
Tiny Little Love: god you are sexy
jimmey1212: no never
Tiny Little Love: so, how does it feel to be a baby murderer?
jimmey1212: how r u feeling when i am sucking ur pussys
jimmey1212: tell me
jimmey1212: do u have put on ur cloths
Tiny Little Love: i am feeling like there is a monster of a man, that likes to kill 12 year old girls babys, licking my vagina clean of my last baby that he killed with his uncaring attitude
Tiny Little Love: it feels like a warm summer day
Tiny Little Love: ...and then being run over by a truck...a trash truck, that then proceded to dump it's load over my corpse after running me over
Tiny Little Love: i think i love you
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: i alos love u tooo
Tiny Little Love: damn you are stupid
jimmey1212: why
jimmey1212: do u want to do sex again just now
Tiny Little Love: YOU killed my baby, and you say you love me?
jimmey1212: yes
Tiny Little Love: what the fuck is wrong with your backward-ass country?
Tiny Little Love: YES?
Tiny Little Love: Y E S?
Tiny Little Love: holy shit
jimmey1212: i relly love u
jimmey1212: now
jimmey1212: which position do u like tell me
jimmey1212: so that i can start it early
jimmey1212: be fast
Tiny Little Love: no no, wait a second
jimmey1212: othrwise
jimmey1212: why
Tiny Little Love: i want to know why you kill my bundle of joy, and expect me to have sex with you again?
jimmey1212: i does not kill pls honey i am sorry lets do it again and u will again have a baby
jimmey1212: pls honey
Tiny Little Love: YOU DID KILL already you fucking retard
jimmey1212: no i am not retarded
Tiny Little Love: yes, appaerently you are
Tiny Little Love: you told me about how you killed my baby and then just threw it's cheek on the floor
Tiny Little Love: did you forget?
jimmey1212: generally at ur aga when we do sex girls does not want a baby so i felt that u also dont want so i threw cheek on the floor
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: honey
jimmey1212: let's do it agian
jimmey1212: my penis is again in a good mood
Tiny Little Love: you said it AGAIN!
jimmey1212: do u want to have sex or not
Tiny Little Love: you need to learn to respect women and not kill their babys and throw the disembodied cheeks on the floor
Tiny Little Love: im not into baby killers
jimmey1212: pls honey i am really sorry
Tiny Little Love: thats not enough
jimmey1212: i am begging u for that
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: you KILLED my baby and threw parts of it on the floor after violating me, its hard to make up for that
jimmey1212: u can give me any punishement u like expect
jimmey1212: to love u
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: umm ok
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: i get out my bowie knife
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: ok
Tiny Little Love: and slice your scrotum open
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: now I take the knife and stab it through your...umm...lets start with the left testicle
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: no
jimmey1212: honey
jimmey1212: i really love u like anything in these world
Tiny Little Love: and i twist and twist the knife until the testicle pops from your abdomen
Tiny Little Love: then I go to the right one
Tiny Little Love: and procede to dice it like an onion
jimmey1212: after having my sex partner i love u
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: forgive
jimmey1212: me
jimmey1212: just listen to me for minute
Tiny Little Love: ok, now I take some salt, and fill your now empty scrotum with salt...hows that feel?
jimmey1212: say y/n
jimmey1212: really it pains but it ok
jimmey1212: but u have a right to do it
Tiny Little Love: ok, have you ever seen one of those meat tenderizer club things? its like a mallet with spikes on it to tenderize meat
Tiny Little Love: so now I start using that on the length of your penis
Tiny Little Love: and I am pounding and pounding
jimmey1212: pls honey listen to me
Tiny Little Love: ok, there is plenty of blood all over the place now
jimmey1212: let's do sex again
jimmey1212: pls honey
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: i have completely pulverized your penis now
jimmey1212: let's do it
jimmey1212: yes or no
Tiny Little Love: there is a couple scraps of flesh left, and your vas defrans, that way you can still pee
Tiny Little Love: im not inhuman like you
jimmey1212: ok
jimmey1212: let's do it honey pls for last time let's do sex again
jimmey1212: now i promise to give u a baby
Tiny Little Love: how are you going to have sex with me now? you have no penis
Tiny Little Love: you arent going to cum very well without testicles
jimmey1212: yes
jimmey1212: i have penis with me its here
Tiny Little Love: i just pulverized it with my meat tenderizer
jimmey1212: stop jokking and be serious
Tiny Little Love: where the hell have you been?
jimmey1212: be serious
jimmey1212: say 1 thing that do u love me
jimmey1212: or not
Tiny Little Love: I am not jokkin. If i was there I would smash your penis into a million pieces
Tiny Little Love: then i would take my poor baby's cheek and beat you to death with it
jimmey1212: do u love me tell that much only
jimmey1212: stop everthing else
Tiny Little Love: no, i despise you, you are a waste of life, you should be run over and killed
jimmey1212: i said stop everthing else do u love me or not
jimmey1212: after having sex with me how can u tell tese to me
Tiny Little Love: ok, i do NOT love you, i HATE you, and I will not have sex with the man that killed my baby and threw it's cheek on the floor
jimmey1212: i dont know that girls like u should be so cruel to their b/f
Tiny Little Love: i didnt know that b/fs killed their g/fs babys
jimmey1212: pls honey i can nevr forget u
jimmey1212: sorry
Tiny Little Love: guess thats how it is when you live in a shitty country and your only hope of having a somewhat happy life is the dream of coming to America and fucking up our country and being a 7-11 store owner
jimmey1212: baby will be born when we do sex again if u want a baby let's do sex again its of few minute and u will have ur baby
jimmey1212: again
jimmey1212: just give me chance
Tiny Little Love: its not the same, that was a LIFE, you destroyed it, you cannot substitue one life for another, every person is unique, every person is special, every person is different. You destroyed all of that in my baby. He could have been president, he could have cured cancer. That is all gone. It left when you threw his cheek on the floor after killing him with your penis. Thanks
jimmey1212: do u love me or not honey i really love u
Tiny Little Love: you have nothing to say for yourself?
jimmey1212: try to understand it
Tiny Little Love: i do NOT love you
Tiny Little Love: i understand that you are a MONSTER
jimmey1212: i said before also generally girl in ur age does not want's baby so it
jimmey1212: no honey i am not a monster
jimmey1212: i am ur lover
Tiny Little Love: learn the fucking language
jimmey1212: syes
Tiny Little Love: wow, thats a nice work
jimmey1212: u teach me i will learn it agian
jimmey1212: but pls not leave me alone pls
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: i really felt bad the thing i done to u
jimmey1212: but now what can i do
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: i cannot teach you to not be a baby killer, it is in your system now, you will kill and kill and kill to make you feel like a bigger person, cause your life sucks, you suck and you should commit suicide
jimmey1212: dont leave
jimmey1212: pls honey
jimmey1212: hi
jimmey1212: try to understand pls
Tiny Little Love: hi? do you think i am stupid?
jimmey1212: ok just ans in yes or no
Tiny Little Love: i dont fucking love you so stop asking
jimmey1212: u r not stupid i am stupis
jimmey1212: just say yes or no
Tiny Little Love: no no no
jimmey1212: dont tell anything else
jimmey1212: pls honey try to u stand
jimmey1212: pls
jimmey1212: pls
Tiny Little Love: please speak english
Tiny Little Love: why are you warning me? is it an attempt to make up for the fact that you cannot speak english so you just communicate with me by warning me?

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Tiny Little Love: *sigh* why that made him leave, and not me mutilating his penis, i'll never understand

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