NYCockExchange: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Why do you care?
lil wo241: cuz i got 1 n i m 18 n u say u horny
lil wo241: ????????????
NYCockExchange: What with the fucking letters and numbers? Is this a fucking eye test at the DMV?
lil wo241: no bitch it aint no eye test but it a heart test might wanna get it check cuz im leavin slugs in it u simple trick
NYCockExchange: Wow, I've never been the victim of an internet drive-by before. I'm nervous. What should I do?
lil wo241: this aint no drive by ur just a trick that needs ta get dealt wit n im happy ta do it n i aint afraid ta pull it
lil wo241: ill go trigger happy of a bitch like u
NYCockExchange: Okay. Deal with me. Show me what a cunning, deadly, ebonics-dropping madman you really are.
NYCockExchange: (Two minutes later)
NYCockExchange: You sure take a long time loading your guns, cap'n.
lil wo241: i cant shoot u thre here faggot come round ma hood n c what happens
lil wo241: fuckin n stink n pokemon haha
NYCockExchange: You want me to cum around your hood? Fine, give me a sweatshirt of yours, I'll leave jizz stains all around the headpiece.
NYCockExchange: Then maybe you can look like a gay Eskimo.
lil wo241: i cant shoot u thre here faggot come round not cum u sure ur 13 cuz u cant read yet go get a specail phonics book or summn
NYCockExchange: I can't understand your motivation, though. What are you going to do, pull the hood over your head and walk down the street, cracking jokes like, "What's the difference between my head and a freshly-fucked faggot's asshole? Give up? The fag's asshole ain't a 50/50 poly/cotton blend!"
NYCockExchange: Err, no. Phonics are bad for you. You get hooked on 'em, and they're what you'd call a "gateway drug". After a while, you move on to marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Then the hard stuff like Elmer's glue and Sharpie pens.
lil wo241: haha ur so gay
NYCockExchange: You're such a mack daddy pimp, G. If Al Capone was alive today, you'd be his right hand man.
lil wo241: damn right where u live at the country side while im liven in the ghetto hustlin just ta get money bitch u dont no ma lifestyle u out bailin hay n shit while im packin clips
NYCockExchange: American ghettos are truly the height of modern civilization. I'm surprised there aren't more tour trips to the ghetto. "Wow, mom! Look at the nigger carrying his gun around!" Maybe a few signs here and there saying, "DON'T FEED THE NIGGERS".
lil wo241: im happy where im at mutha fuckaZ gettin killed over dolla bills
lil wo241: what bout it bitch u scared huh u liven on a afarm huh
NYCockExchange: I'm sure you're happy where you're at.

NYCockExchange: What's "liven on a farm" got to do with being scared?
lil wo241: nah not round my block
NYCockExchange: Not around your block? You should move to a more "upscale" area of the ghetto, so you don't have to walk as far to get a Slurpee from Habib or visit the jack-off booths in the porn shops.
lil wo241: u dont even no how it is u wouldnt survive aminute in here
NYCockExchange: Oh? How do you survive?
lil wo241: y tell u when u bail hay n milk cows n shit
NYCockExchange: Why tell me? ...Hey, I was just thinking that you might want to dispel your "I survive by asking 13-year-old girls for pics for me to jack off to" reputation.
NYCockExchange: Or, you might want to keep that reputation. That's pretty hardcore, G.
lil wo241: fuck u
NYCockExchange: But don't you want my pics?

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