SweetJenee87: Hi.
steadman2000: how are you??
SweetJenee87: Okay.
steadman2000: why okay??
steadman2000: not good?
steadman2000: what u doing tonight??
SweetJenee87: Laying in bed.
steadman2000: naked??

SweetJenee87: You?
steadman2000: no im in my boxers
SweetJenee87: Cool. You must have something in mind.
steadman2000: well do you??
SweetJenee87: A/S/L again?
steadman2000: a/s/l? again sorry love i have a bad memery?
steadman2000: 21/m/nc
SweetJenee87: 14 f ut
steadman2000: are you going to send me a pic of your self??
steadman2000: naked??
steadman2000: in the mail??
SweetJenee87: I have a better idea.
steadman2000: what would that be??
SweetJenee87: Let's cyber!
steadman2000: ok
steadman2000: will you send me pictures of you masterbating?
SweetJenee87: Great. Let's do it in an interactive way! I'll type the first part of a sentence, and you finish it.
SweetJenee87: Okay?
steadman2000: k
SweetJenee87: Here goes! ....
SweetJenee87: I am wearing....
steadman2000: a bra and a thong.
SweetJenee87: Ah! Great.
SweetJenee87: I take off the....
steadman2000: bra
SweetJenee87: And start to play with my....
steadman2000: nipples
SweetJenee87: Mmmm!

steadman2000: do u have a poroliod?
SweetJenee87: I feel very....
steadman2000: horny and hard
steadman2000: ...
SweetJenee87: That's right!
SweetJenee87: My cock is.....
steadman2000: 8" long
steadman2000: and hard
SweetJenee87: And I place it....
steadman2000: between your breasts
steadman2000: ..
steadman2000: do u have a poroliod camera???
SweetJenee87: Hey, hey, hey! Later, dear! I'm loving this game right now.
steadman2000: will you take the pics??
SweetJenee87: Now, I pull off my...
steadman2000: answer me then we can play
steadman2000: boxers
steadman2000: ...
SweetJenee87: I'm not wearing boxers!
SweetJenee87: I pull off my....
steadman2000: thong
steadman2000: i pull of my boxers
SweetJenee87: Ooohh... yess....!!!
steadman2000: off*]
SweetJenee87: And I bend.....
steadman2000: your pussy is...
steadman2000: over...
SweetJenee87: I push my cock into...
steadman2000: your ass
SweetJenee87: Ooohh yesss!!
SweetJenee87: I pump in.....
steadman2000: my fist into your pussy...
SweetJenee87: Mmmm.... this is getting me soooo horny....
SweetJenee87: Your ass is....
steadman2000: tight...
SweetJenee87: As I push in and out with....
steadman2000: my massive head of my cock
SweetJenee87: MMmmm! Can you feel it?
steadman2000: yea
SweetJenee87: Ooooh, so can I.
SweetJenee87: I grab my ankles and....
SweetJenee87: Er, you grab your ankles and...
steadman2000: take it deep in your dripping pussy
SweetJenee87: Mmmm yess!!!
SweetJenee87: I go deeper and faster....
steadman2000: in your pussy and ass
steadman2000: are u taking pictures
SweetJenee87: And I shoot hot, sticky....
steadman2000: nothing yet it takes me an hor to cumm
SweetJenee87: Oh, that's right! I'm a stud.
steadman2000: hour
SweetJenee87: So I push deeper into your...
steadman2000: seriously
steadman2000: mouth
SweetJenee87: Your lips tremble as my cock....
steadman2000: throbbs in you mouth
SweetJenee87: Whooops! Try that again. You said, "YOUR mouth".
SweetJenee87: Your lips tremble as my cock...
steadman2000: goes in your throught
steadman2000: deep in you...
SweetJenee87: MMmmm.....It's in sooo deep. I grab your hair and...
steadman2000: pushes it deeper
SweetJenee87: Allll the way back! Yesss!!!
SweetJenee87: Etc., etc., so now I stick my wet, slippery cock back into your ass, and....
steadman2000: then my toung goes...
SweetJenee87: No, go ahead! What does your tongue do?
steadman2000: fuck it till you screem
steadman2000: you tell me
steadman2000: your turn
SweetJenee87: Then your tongue goes....
steadman2000: in you pussy
steadman2000: as it..
SweetJenee87: Don't be silly! I'd love to put my tongue in my own pussy, but I can't!
SweetJenee87: My cock is....
steadman2000: still fucking you pussy
SweetJenee87: Harder and harder and harder!!!
SweetJenee87: Your colon feels....
steadman2000: wet anf fuckable
steadman2000: will you send me picturs of you body???
SweetJenee87: So I slam my cock into your colon again and again until...
steadman2000: you screem in pain
SweetJenee87: Good! Now scream in pain!!!
SweetJenee87: Please?
steadman2000: MMMMM OWWWW
SweetJenee87: Oooohhhh yeah!! Yesss!!!
SweetJenee87: And I shoot hot, sticky cum.....
steadman2000: no not yet
steadman2000: have u cummed??
SweetJenee87: Yeah! I just said so!
SweetJenee87: Didn't you feel it?
steadman2000: did you clit spasm
SweetJenee87: You have nooooo idea!
steadman2000: let me see it in a picture please

SweetJenee87: Umm, sure! Let me get my baiting forum stuff sent first, okay, dear?
SweetJenee87: Please?
steadman2000: what is that??
steadman2000: do u have a porolid cam??
SweetJenee87: May I? Please?
SweetJenee87: Yeah, sure I have a plorolid cam!
steadman2000: sure what are you going to do??
steadman2000: can u send me the pics in the mail on monday?
SweetJenee87: Only if I can take care of my baiting forum! May I?
steadman2000: what is the BAITING FORUM?
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