...we're watching you.
by: Cum Recepticle
Posted: 08/01/00         Score: 2.9         Votes: 166
Sometimes it's difficult to figure out exactly what a pedophile is asking for. Thank God we don't care.
murc 007: tell me more
Cum Recepticle: okay...
murc 007: cum on
Cum Recepticle: the Earth was created 3.5 billion years ago from swirling gasses that permeated the universe
murc 007: no no more about sex
Cum Recepticle: Oh, okay
Cum Recepticle: well, there are Birds and Bees, you see
murc 007: human sex
Cum Recepticle: and somehow they get together and make babies. I think the Bee gets pollen on the bird or something.
Cum Recepticle: Oh....
Cum Recepticle: Um, okay...there are males and females, the males are XY and the female XX chromosomes.
murc 007: tell me what you do with there parts
Cum Recepticle: Well, if I were a black market body-part salesman, I'd sell them to the highest bidder.
Cum Recepticle: I've heard kidneys go for $10,000 each.
murc 007: i see
murc 007: so what do we do with my hardness
Cum Recepticle: Am I not understanding you?
murc 007: sex
Cum Recepticle: I'm female.
murc 007: i am male
Cum Recepticle: that's great!
Cum Recepticle: got a pic?
murc 007: yes
murc 007: do you
Cum Recepticle: nope
murc 007: why not
murc 007: i am playing with something hard right now
Cum Recepticle: A G.I. Joe? SWEET!
Cum Recepticle: Or stone?
murc 007: something rock hard
Cum Recepticle: like the Rock of Gibraltar?
Cum Recepticle: Or titanium?
murc 007: throbbing rock
Cum Recepticle: Rocks don't throb, unless it's some Star Trek episode or something. Do you wear a red shirt?
murc 007: i have no shirt on
murc 007: and no pants
Cum Recepticle: Ah, so you're like Captain Kirk after he finds some strangely colored alien chick?
murc 007: yes
Cum Recepticle: Sweet!
murc 007: you like captain kirk
Cum Recepticle: Yeah, he's a hunk.
Cum Recepticle: William Shatner is kinda overweight and dumpy now, but he was a sex god back then.
murc 007: i guess
murc 007: so you like to be naked
Cum Recepticle: yes
murc 007: what else do you like
Cum Recepticle: but not naked and barefoot in kitchen - that's the woman's place
Cum Recepticle: I've got a hot body, all sexy-like
Cum Recepticle: at least, that's what my bitches tell me
murc 007: how sexy
Cum Recepticle: really sexy
Cum Recepticle: I'm well endowed, if you know what I mean *wink*
murc 007: no tell me
Cum Recepticle: Hung.
murc 007: how much
Cum Recepticle: a lot, like 10 inches.
murc 007: bye
Cum Recepticle: What?
Cum Recepticle: Dude, I'm talking about my TITS
murc 007: 10 inch?
Cum Recepticle: Yeah. You obviously don't know much about female anatomy.
murc 007: yes i do
murc 007: now start over
Cum Recepticle: Okay. I'm really well endowed, like, 10 inches.
Cum Recepticle: That better?
Cum Recepticle: I just don't understand you guys - you're all so un-specific in your questions.
murc 007: what is 10inches?
Cum Recepticle: my TITS
Cum Recepticle: I have 10-inch TITS.
murc 007: bra size
Cum Recepticle: No, how far they stick out.
murc 007: very nice
murc 007: nipples
Cum Recepticle: I can barely see my penis past them.
murc 007: what?
Cum Recepticle: Huh? Oops, I typed that wrong...
Cum Recepticle: I meant to say, I can barely see my scrotum past them.
Cum Recepticle: My penis is in full view.
murc 007: are you a dude or a ladies
Cum Recepticle: Yeah, I'm a ladies dude! Oooh-yah!
Cum Recepticle: Or I'm a dude's lady. Whatever.
Cum Recepticle: Hello?
Cum Recepticle: Is it something I said? I'm sorry...I can change my answer if it'll make you feel more comfortable.
murc 007: please leave me alone
Cum Recepticle: What did I say? I'm such a confused, little girl...*cries*
murc 007: no you not
murc 007: youare a guy
Cum Recepticle: I AM A GIRL
murc 007: then what are you talking about your penis for
Cum Recepticle: So I made a few mistakes, said some've got to believe me when I say I'm truly a 13 year-old girl from Idaho.
Cum Recepticle: it was a joke Mr. Serious!
murc 007: o
Cum Recepticle: *sighs*
murc 007: so get back to describeing yourself
Cum Recepticle: Okay, I'm a cute little girl with 10-inch tits and a penis.
Cum Recepticle: Oh, and a scrotum.
Cum Recepticle: (which contains my testicles)
murc 007: yes correct
Cum Recepticle: Love me.
Cum Recepticle: LOVE ME.
Cum Recepticle: God dammit, do you have some sort of problem with a cock-wielding 13 year-old girl or something? What's wrong with you!?
murc 007: no
murc 007: had to go piss
Cum Recepticle: Oh, well! Sweet!
Cum Recepticle: So, you wanna have sex then?
murc 007: sure
murc 007: how about your pussy what does it look like
Cum Recepticle: Umm....?
Cum Recepticle: I'm rubbing my cock against your anus.
Cum Recepticle: Do you want me to use lube, or do you like it rough?
Cum Recepticle: *sighs* can stick your penis in my ass too, if that'll make you feel better.
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